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Everything posted by CTC2

  1. I never thought showing how stupid you are every day would end up being a virtue as opposed to a liability.
  2. One problem we have is that there is just no shame anymore in being a moron.
  3. Seems like there are more nutty ones than sane ones.
  4. So Reynal was conducting a false flag operation?
  5. Yeah, I get you. They actively tried to prevent a coup but don't want to fully talk about it because the guy who did it is probably going to be president again.
  6. Either: You don't raid the house of a former president unless it is big, and you know the evidence is there and you got him dead to rights. Or Merrick Garland is a total dumbass.
  7. I’m sorry, but Abbott deserves to be spinning on two wheels. I know plenty of people who don’t, but he sure does.
  8. He won't be so smarmy when he is pleading the 5th to the DA in Atlanta
  9. On medical malpractice. Texans have a long history of voting against their self interest.
  10. https://www.verywellmind.com/an-overview-of-the-dunning-kruger-effect-4160740
  11. I would never file a case in Austin if I had a more viable venue.
  12. More of the same with this judge. This shit is minimized with a strong one.
  13. He was on my intramural football team. He was terrible and used to get pissed when we would show up drunk and perform better than him.
  14. Maybe. I have tried a lot of civil cases to verdict in Texas and other states and I think the plaintiff's attorneys were pedestrian at best and the judge was terrible. If possible, go back and watch their closing. AJ's attorney had no business handling a civil case. He was in way over his head. Given the posture of the case even a shitty lawyer could have gotten the same result. Non trial lawyers may have been shocked at how the judge dressed down AJ but that was nothing compared to some of the things I have seen. In fact, I have seen a judge stop the trial when it was obvious a witness was not telling the truth and call the District Attorney to come down and observe the rest of the proceedings. The fact that the lawyers almost got into a fist fight tells me that none of them were afraid of the judge. Understand that some others may not agree but just my two cents.
  15. Underwhelmed by all the lawyers and judge in this case. Also proves that (just like Trump) our system is based upon everyone playing by the rules. When they don’t, the system can’t handle it. This verdict is a win for Jones. Austin juries are terrible and so are the judges down at the courthouse. How do you think Sparks would have handled these idiots? A lot better than this judge.
  16. I think he did not know the civil rules nor understood how the other side would use it.
  17. It has always amazed me that Texas Republicans would support something like this but oppose a pregnant mother recovering in a civil lawsuit for an injury causing the death of her unborn baby.
  18. Texas Pro Tax got mine reduced by over $200K at TCAD. Still not under the cap. I really think it is a mistake to not protest every year. The cumulative effect of not doing it really screws you.
  19. The original slut shammers.
  20. Yeah, telling college students that they were going to hell for fornicating was a real winner. Wasted so much time listening to people heckle them over on West Mall.
  21. This guy is such a POS. His Opus Day ass needs to be taken to the mat over his bs reliance on executive privilege and atty client privilege in furtherance of a crime.
  22. That is why Texas has turned into a fucked up place to live. Just like continuing to vote for crooks like Ken Paxton. Fuck all of them.
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