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Everything posted by Longhornsnus

  1. BuT AkShUlLy it's because heart attacks in young men at the peak of their physical fitness is totally normal and common and can be expected from time to time, just as a natural cause.
  2. I think that's too many characters for a handle.
  3. Do you have any requests for the next handle?
  4. I can't read your writing, it's like listening to the ramblings of a pan handler. Are you saying anything? What do you need? Get to the point.
  5. I mean fair as in beautiful, not impartial. It's a turn of phrase, you illiterate swine.
  6. Now this is an argument that is interesting. The problem is, as I've stated in the past, there is no possibility to *NOT* have billionaires within the framework of our flavor of American Capitalism (shareholder capitalism) that you can own (create/buy/manage) and grow businesses that can get as big as they need to be to support our GDP/population much less *checking notes on the latest nVidia stock price* one of the five, trillion dollar companies. We'd need a bloody revolution and complete tear down of our social/economic order and machinations.
  7. Equally shocked am I that the most mediocre man on this fair site is boring.
  8. Do you understand the definition of interesting? Provocateurs can be interesting. Nobody has tried the concept therefore there is no PMF? I'm not sure I 100% agree with your police work, Lou. You often come across as having only a superficial knowledge of topics, especially as they relate to business and double especially as they relate to the tech industry, so I'm not sure why you think you have definitive input on anything, but it's clear you aren't into have conversations and discussions, thus I don't attempt to respond to you. And to your last point, I have zero idea why. I suppose it could be because of your conspiracy theory reasons that have been debunked by objective reporting like the one I linked, but at the end of the day I don't really care. I'm not in the dunk contest to feel better because I'm sad someone bought my favorite social media site and changed it, as if I were entitled to it like it was a public good.
  9. The odds of him having a natural/organic heart attack at that age and fitness is like lottery level. It's one of three things: 1) There is a congenital health/heart issue that has hitherto been undisclosed by the family because it's none of our business, fine 2) Trauma like the Bills football player who took a helmet to the heart at 30mph 3) Drug use
  10. I said interesting business mind, not brilliant. Show us on the doll where JD touched you, NoName. Also, "Local police told The San Francisco Standard that it was a misunderstanding: At approximately 12:39 P.M. officers assigned to Tenderloin Station responded to the area of 10th and Market Street regarding a report of a possible unpermitted street closure. Through their investigation officers were able to determine that no crime was committed, and this incident was not a police matter. “Police on the scene said someone with Twitter had a work order to take the sign down but didn’t communicate it with security and the property owner of the building,” the Standard added." https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/24/23140317/twitter-sign-sf-hq-removal-demolition-police Again, 8/10 on the dunk.
  11. Yes, there is a ton of social equity and capital in the name/logo/company. Trying to monetize and turn that social "IP" into dollars was a struggle for some of the most interesting business minds (Dorsey, Bret Taylor, Elon), so it's a rip the bandaid and sink or swim transformation.
  12. That's interesting, I guess. Thanks for sharing.
  13. I thought he did have the permit after all though. 8.5/10 on the dunk.
  14. He's trying to make a financially fledgling social media company into Tencent/WeChat. Will it fail? Probably, because Elon is screwing it up. But it's a transformational gamble which isn't that much of a gamble relatively speaking for the world's richest man who, last I read, lost like $13bn in one day the other day, and is still $20bn+ richer than the Louis Vuitton guy in 2nd place. So who cares? From my perspective, ultimately Twitter wasn't a growth business and struggled to be profitable and there wasn't a path for wild success/riches as an organization. Elon is trying to turn it into the aforementioned Tencent/Wechat catchall and it will either 10x for him or zero out. The only people that seem to care that Elon is risking (and likely going to lose all of) his $44bn are the people that hate him. Why is that? Also, I guess people feel entitled to their toy (old Twitter) and are mad that someone bought it and tanked it and are really trying/hoping that Threads makes it.
  15. This ain't ever happening. Like the guy said, a $2bn price tag? That will never turn a profit.
  16. What is the value proposition for wanting your daughter to be in a sorority, again? Is it solely trying to put her in the best light for a potential husband who can provide a higher probability of success/comfort? That feels a bit...barbaric. But I'll allow it, we are but barbarians in silks styled by Italians.
  17. Right. And I know it's not exactly in the spirit of this thread but you have shown a curiosity and growth mindset to business psychology (at least from what I infer from the pop psychology/business book thread) and so this might interest you: https://uxpsychology.substack.com/p/why-do-people-hate-redesigns It's an interesting look at in general why people hate redesigns and how to minimize blowback, and while there is probably some of that going on with Twitter->X, it's not happening on this thread. This thread, like you have surmised, is now just a bunch of hammers who see anything Elon does as a nail, regardless of anything.
  18. Lastly, since we are all Texas Exes presumably, when you are ready for a seed round, maybe try here first: https://news.utexas.edu/2022/11/29/ut-austin-seed-fund-launched-with-first-investment/
  19. Also, as someone who has recently had to dig into some of the specifics, it's important to determine what stage of funding you are looking for. Since you don't have the foggiest of your pitch deck, I will assume you are pre-revenue and probably still in an idea conception stage, where you don't have a product built out and haven't proven PMF. You are probably not going to be raise a red cent in this environment outside of your friends and family if that is the case.
  20. If you want to pay for the advice/service, here is as good a place as any: https://www.deckdoctors.xyz/ Be forewarned, there is a cottage industry is littered with former VC's (more like, former lowly analysts who worked in fundraising) who shill their "experience" as being part of the teams who have seen thousands of decks and distilled the best practices down, etc. etc.
  21. I like DAC. The most surprising thing about him, which in hindsight shouldn't have been surprising, was that he was gay in prison.
  22. You tell me, unless your troll post question was a rhetorical one?
  23. Lighten up, that was funny. Is it fun being miserable about everything, all the time? On some level it must feel good, like heroin or something.
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