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Everything posted by MisterP

  1. If y'all want to follow a cool story. My best friend is part of a crew sailing a 51ft sailboat around the globe for the Ocean Globe race, on an all veteran crew, to raise awareness for PTSD and suicide. They are sponsored by sig sauer and are competing against absolute professionals as they are....a skeleton crew. https://skeletoncrewadventures.org/tracking here is the link. They started in Galveston and are about to land in Southampton where the race begins. I will be going to see him off next week. This is relevant as I tracked him every day and was terrified of him hitting a hurricane on the way to England. He still have to make it around the cape this summer so it could happen.
  2. She's 21 from the nicest area of Austin going to SMU. What do you think she is after in life? And yes, she loves a hand around her throat degrading her. But thanks for playing the game!
  3. https://www.on3.com/db/jordon-johnson-rubell-145313/
  4. He's a safety...bro. Nahlin said 2 CBs.
  5. I think there is a required specificity to make it a "pegging gangbang". If I say I am ordering curry do I just assume its a level 5 spicy yellow curry or would I want to be specific when ordering?
  6. no, that's pegging. Do you really not know the difference between pegging and a gangbang?
  7. um, can someone explain to me what the hell is going on in this video?
  8. Fair play Chicken Sandwich. Doesnt mean they arent overpaid under performing cunts. Which I guess is the amercian way innit mate.
  9. Oh I must be mistaken, they played for the US, didnt have personal ambitions, didnt leverage politics for personal gain, were completely cohesive, and have a lesser share of revenue than men while bringing in way more money than them via viewership. WHOOPSIE. Silly me. How misogynistic of me.
  10. Thank you sir. Please crush Chelsea. I hate those fucking cunts. Also do Man City and Man U. Mmmmmm fuck it just win the league.
  11. Bayern fan here. Thank god this is over. Bayern reporting that he was stuck at the airport because Tots revoked his permission to go. What a fucking saga. Hopefully this pans out its the most money we have ever spent. Who do yall replace him with?
  12. I really just want @BurntOrange&White to ask you how much our NIL package was for him....if anyone can get that info from you, he can!
  13. Is this a statement or question?
  14. I will give you Black and McKinnely. But if you think that the other 5 stars were coming here on there own to make a statement you're as dumb as CTJ makes you out to be.
  15. Dont be homophobic you degenerate. I know you would suck dick for a championship year 1 in the SEC.
  16. Are you fucking dumb? 22k posts and you cant figure out that McKinnely, Black, Wingo, Baker, and every 5 star were on for arent going to notice this and say OK. We have a pretty mediocre class and this gets the attention. Momentum is a thing. You FUCK.
  17. I'm going to fuck anything that breasts tonight boys!
  18. I would ask you if you are ever happy but after seeing many posts it only sounds like you are when CTj is cuddling you as big spoon. 😃 NTTIAWWT!
  19. How is this for you you old horny mother fucker! Didnt even have to use the calculator....she's white!
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