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Certifiably Surly
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About shakahorn

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  1. Is that Sonny Sixkiller?
  2. Sark screen lol. Why doesn’t Stroud pirouette?
  3. I was told there was no cure for the chancer I picked up in Lubbock.
  4. We must read the same internet. All this time, I thought screens on vents and chimneys were to prevent hot stuff from getting out, not from getting in. Presuming of course that the internet is right.
  5. Only just heard about that stuff since these fires broke out. How much do you have to have for a typical house? I’ve seen some that come in like 16 oz cans.
  6. Can’t imagine what this board would look like if Quinn was 5/13 for 53 yards.
  7. Is it just me or is the Pedo fight song almost exactly the same as the ND fight song?
  8. There's also a realistic possibility that the flu talk is all BS.
  9. LOL I'm in IT and sometimes we have to walk construction sites to plan out networks and sometimes they make us wear hard hats...I've worn mine like 10x in 20+ years. Back when I first got it, the site manager took one look at me and burst out laughing. Told me to put a few scuff marks on the hat so that no one else would laugh at me.
  10. He cried like a bitch at the end.
  11. Is it just me or is this game taking for-freaking-ever?
  12. This is the part in the UT game where I always say β€˜I’m not worried.’
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