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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by shakahorn

  1. They have to do this to keep folks watching. Kinda like in last night's basketball game, the announcers kept saying "it's not over, stranger things have happened" when we were up by 29.
  2. Dammit I only kept watching cuz I want to see Perryman play.
  3. Tech has at least 2 guys with 4 fouls for sure they foul out and I can’t wait to see the crowd reaction.
  4. You shoot like one of those guys in Greg who is always calling a foul on his defender.
  5. Expats is pretty watchable. Set in Hong Kong about a bunch of...American expats. Nicole Kidman stars along with Jack Huston.
  6. Years ago when my regular bar finally went ADA, they tore out two regular urinals and put in one low urinal. Couple days later, someone graffiti'd Big Dick on the low one and Small Dick on the regular one. Of course, all the regulars used the low one if both were free, lest someone walk in on them and risk being the butt of the joke at the bar for the next few minutes. For that reason, I've been conditioned to using low urinals if ever available.
  7. I thought I was the only guy who played football to impress chicks.
  8. Well the delta between the small states and the big states was smaller at that time as well. The big states had 10x the number of folks as the small states, whereas now, CA has 60x the number of people as WY, almost 40x of RI and Del.
  9. It was George Soros. Get with the times.
  10. You don’t rub cocaine on your teeth, you rub it on your gums. So I’ve heard.
  11. Pittsburgh instead of Philly and Triad or even Charlotte instead of Triangle and that's a pretty stout trip.
  12. Well to be fair we’ve only been called for 1 in 2h.
  13. Is this the ‘your meme game is strong’ guy? Or do they all just look alike?
  14. Grab 'em by the pussy. Cheat on pregnant wife with porn star. Take away their reproductive rights. Objectify his own daughter. But yeah, 'birdbrain' will change the mind of the female Trump supporter.
  15. I think others have alluded to this but not mentioned it outright best as I can tell. There are several low-interest cc's out there now, like 3% to 5%, you pay that % up front and then monthly payments are 1% or in some cases 2% of the balance. 12-18 month terms. You gotta have a decent credit score like low 700's at least, which sounds like you do at this point. 3%/18 months is the best out there now, but seems like even 5%/12 mo would be better than your current situation. You transfer the balance from the current cc's over to the new ones....and follow all the other advice in this thread about not running up more debt. At the end of term...rinse/repeat.
  16. Wasn't DeWit full on MAGA himself? Didn't he run Trump HQ in AZ?
  17. Yeah great call in a 16 pt game with 2:30 to play.
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