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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by shakahorn

  1. Online research articles that don't have a date on them. Especially tech-oriented columns. How hard is it to put a date on these and tell me if the information is still relevant or 10 years old?
  2. Yeah it's like these morons had no idea what goes on behind the scenes. "Oh it's so easy, no moderation at all!" Anyone who's been paying attention around these places knows the trials and travails of immamac, blacklab, heck, even Katy.
  3. Since Shawshank is mentioned prominently in this thread, for me it’s the beer scene on top of the roof. They look like the best beers ever drunk. Always makes me wanna slam down an ice cold one.
  4. Melania was born and raised in the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. I don't know why she gets a pass for being born and raised a Socialist. Luka on the other hand was born and raised in Slovenia, a parliamentary democracy.
  5. That seems like a lot.
  6. His nickname gotta be "Mikey Squids" right?
  7. Bujcevski is 3rd team punter? He's not even the best punter on our team.
  8. Me three! It's such a little known stock that often, auto-newsfeeds post news on Novartis and Novavax under NOVN. Also noticed that it hit $25.9 back in Feb. Must've been asleep at the wheel then.
  9. Actually, that's just a confusing breakdown of the bill generated by the POS system. Just ran into this at a local restaurant, where they did an auto-grat of 20% on parties of 6 or larger. It looks like it's counted twice but it's really only counted once. Of course our bill was nowhere near this high, but with about the same number of items. I did the math in my head real quick, figured it out, then, for entertainment, turned it over to one of the women at our table and told her 'hey I think they counted the tip twice.' Woman 1 and woman 2 bust out their calculator, somehow come to the conclusion that the tip is counted twice, complain to the manager, hilarity ensues. I would've felt bad for the manager, but auto 20% for mediocre service offset any of that.
  10. Ratner asks Stacy what they do with all the jackets people leave behind. She says they have a lost and found. Then he asks for her number so he can ask her out sometime, and she asks for a pen. That scene gave a young me tons of confidence in just nutting up and asking chicks for their number in the same manner. I mean...many of them told me to pound sand...but many of them also just gave me their number. And I know I'm mixing up the scenes here, but upon success, I would always hear Jackson Browne's "Somebody's Baby" in my head.
  11. Yeah I just meant that mentally ill everywhere are lashing out in a violent manner and from my perspective, no state or city (or federal for that matter) agencies seem to be doing anything to address that.
  12. This issue with the mentally ill is not unique to NYC.
  13. And the cheapo makes an appearance
  14. I dunno man, one of the supervisors is named Bill Gates.
  15. I'm not a huge fan of Yang but I don't get the 'tech overlord' association. He did a couple of tech startups during the dotcom boom, but nothing overtly tech since then. Or am I missing something? I have an idea of why he gets this label...but I really don't want to play that card.
  16. Cheney opened her comments this morning with "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
  17. I was anticipating "a great big fat person" after the ellipses.
  18. Especially the second stanza.
  19. 1, 4, 2, 3. Sorry, I know I'm going to hell...someone had to do it.
  20. This is one of the top arguments against banning trans kids from playing sports. How is this rube not prepared to answer that question?
  21. Corollary: the lazy ass TSA folks just standing around who can't even say 'thank you' when I stack up 3-4 trays left by above-mentioned douchebags.
  22. In the entire country.
  23. guilty on all counts
  24. What percentage of Q theories are really dumbasses who believe in it, and what percentage are trolls? Serious question...I know no one has the exact breakdown, but I sure would feel a lot better if most of them were trolls with nothing better to do.
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