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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by shakahorn

  1. Hits it to 36 feet from 120 out...I could've done that. Makes the putt. I couldn't have done that.
  2. Kind of a no brainer for him. Phoenix area has pretty good healthcare.
  3. I have to respectfully disagree with the opening of your last paragraph. He needs to be held to a higher standard than Trump.
  4. Exactly what I was thinking. He could've said "Orlando is nicer than Cancun" and it would've had the same effect, and not pissed off the people in the city where he's speaking. But that would require some kind of social skill and self awareness.
  5. Ordinarily I would say, get outta town, lotsa time left. But we don't come back from 14 down. Other teams come back against us 14 down, but not the other way around.
  6. Snopes seems to concur with everyone on this thread. Well, except OP. 'In all honesty, we had trouble following the logic of this false rumor. Those spreading these “mind blowing” search results also appeared a little unsure of what it meant. Most of the posts we encountered did not lay out any specific claims or accusations. Rather, these messages contained vague statements about how the world was being “played.” As best we can tell, the idea is that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (or, possibly, some shadowy group of elites, George Soros, or another frequently invoked boogeyman) were gaming search results in order to inundate the population with coronavirus content and convince everyone that this “hoax” was in fact a real problem.'
  7. GJ Kinne to be Malzahn's OC. G.J. Kinne is New UCF Co-Offensive Coordinator and Quarterback Coach - UCF Athletics (ucfknights.com)
  8. Using that 'zipper extender thing' makes the bag too big to conform to carry-on size rules. Not that rules apply to Rafael.
  9. immamac is Ted Cruz?
  10. I faafo'd and didn't get in until $1.94. Coulda had it at $1.85 at least.
  11. AMYZF dropped below $2 and is now in a big decline, as expected when any stock falls below a round number. Gonna try and catch the falling knife here...
  12. Yeah that one "internet sleuth" was so happy that he was able to get a video of her grave with someone touching it. Hey pal, you know, pretty much from anywhere in America, you could get to Vancouver and back for a few hundred bucks. But that would require you to get out of your mom's basement. Well, yeah, if they just wanted to tell the facts of the case and their conclusion based on those facts, then it's probably 15 minutes tops. I gotta admit, I was entertained by most of of it. Although some of that entertainment came from laughing at the dumbass thoughts of the internet sleuths.
  13. Have a Neato about 5 years old for vacuuming and an iRobot Braava about the same age for mopping. The sensor cube for the Braava is busted. I think somehow water got into the battery compartment, batteries all corroded, I cleaned it up as best as I could but still no go. Replacement cube is $40 or so. Trying to decide whether to do that or get a whole new unit. As a mop, the Braava was fine, but something funky about charging and if it gets knocked off its charger when it's fully charged, it won't stop beeping and just needs to be taken off the charger. The Neato also has some issues, gets stuck a lot, but still vacuums as good as it ever did. Anyone have a combo mop/vacuum unit they would recommend? Or just a good mop unit?
  14. I would tend to agree. His base conveniently ignores that Jared is a Jew and that Ivanka converted.
  15. It's not as good because it doesn't have oversized green post-its sticking out of it?
  16. Castor didn't know the difference between a colon and a semi-colon. Much like Trump doesn't know the difference between an apostrophe and a hyphen.
  17. "I forget what it was..."
  18. This is the best explanation. Or, this guy is a moron. Tough to decide.
  19. Really trying to be objective and listen to this guy, but I could put on a better opening myself. "This is an aside..." Dude your whole speech is an aside.
  20. They need to let this Lombardi CGI thing die.
  21. Not a Cowboys fan, always had respect for those teams and their best players but my most vivid memory of Pearson is the time he barfed live on MNF.
  22. No you can't play. Yes you can play. No you can't play.
  23. Funny you say that, I started out stonking with 'play' money that I used to gamble on sports with. Now my stonks dominate my portfolio in terms of value, and I haven't bet football at all the entire season. No NCAA, no NFL.
  24. Without even reading the whole document, somehow, I'm sure it's not riddled with misspellings and formatting errors.
  25. Lady G would like a word.
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