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  1. Better grab some Desitin as well. They seem to have a severe case of the red-ass.
  2. I would think Aggie would be happy now that the SEC teams have someone else to hate, and can finally become part of the club. Narrator:
  3. or at least find a good grillfriend.
  4. TBH it seems arbitrary anyway. If it is legal to push why not pull? Pulling actually gives the other team a chance because the football could come out much easier than if they were pushed.
  5. Wait until Texas/OSU. If GA wins their game do you think we will get ANY calls in the next game? How many refs, conferences, and CFP judges (or whatever they are called) do you think want to see Texas/Georgia III in the MNC? Sark better force the players that committed real penalties run sprints or whatever they do these days. His "penalties talk" a week or 2 ago has obviously faded.
  6. Supposedly Mar wasn't assigned a playoff game, but he is an alternate if one of them flies off a cliff somewhere. Someone posted a list a few days ago.
  7. Not really - it was probably attached to his truck outside the stadium.
  8. I assume gameday will be there since Herbstreit slobbers all over them to this day. Someone needs to bring a sign asking when the last time tOSU beat Michigan, and someone standing beside them needs a sign with http://howmanydayssinceosuhasbeatenmichigan.com/ and the number of days below as of Jan 10. As of today it has been 1860 days, so on the 10th it will be 1868 days. Add a PS to the sign - Texas beat Michigan 125 days ago and tOSU is 1-2 against Texas. It would be more fun if QR codes were posted at JerryWorld that went to the "how many days" site, or T-shirts printed.
  9. Beamer was pissed because earlier Illinois broke their huddle with 12 people, ran one off, and weren't called for a substitution penalty. Then Bielema walked all the way across the field to check on an injured player, turned his back on Beamer, and made the illegal substitution signal to taunt Beamer. Again - the refs didn't call a penalty for that either. Bielema better hold on to that Illinois job. Taunting another coach during a game seems to be an indicator of low IQ and high douchiness. Aggies would grab him though.
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