All true. Maybe I'm just a fool but I think if I had the millions he already got, and a steady job as an OC (Texas will pay well for a winning OC) I would probably go that route rather than risk falling back into old habits and becoming a full-fledged alcoholic again. He also probably can't sue for the same thing again if Texas had even average lawyers draw up his contract. If he is honest about wanting to stay sober I think it would be way easier without the pressure he is likely to be under going forward. He is also more likely to see good results directly attributable to him as an OC, which should make him feel better about himself and keep him off the wagon. I don't know - maybe is has zero struggles with alcohol anymore, but I doubt it. From what I've heard alcoholics struggle for a long time to stay sober.
In his case it probably depends on which desire is stronger - keep bringing in more money than he will likely ever use, or stay off the juice, have enough money to do whatever he wants, put kids in the NFL, and actually make a difference.