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Everything posted by dec3169

  1. Exactly the same thought I had. Sad really. But timely.
  2. Wow - small world. I was 18, in the USAF in England, and drank a full bottle on top of all the beer I had been drinking all day. 4 day hangover, likely alcohol poisoning. To this day I can't even stand to smell southern comfort. I can't even drink Dr Pepper because it reminds me too much of SC.
  3. I don't know what type of cyst UM has, but maybe UT can spring for Her to come fix it. They could livestream as a PPV if we are short on cash.
  4. At least here in the Tyler area they do - Lindale TX store Next time I'm in Austin I'll have to go by there. It's rare these days, but I used to live in Liberty Hill and know the area. Thanks!
  5. I think I found a clue - Senorfussybutt is a plant. Belmont is trying to tell us in code that Urban is coming. It can't be any clearer - the anagram of his username is: Urbs to UT - f'n yes!
  6. We have normal DQs around Tyler. Burgers, tacos, all the good stuff (except Orange Julius). I found out about the different DQ businesses in FL - they even have different phone apps.
  7. I have lived by a theory for the last 20 years of business travel and it hasn't failed me once. If you want good Mexican food never go to the places with primary colors on the outside of the building (especially neon lights). Look for the pastels, and make sure the bldg is one of the crappiest-looking buildings in the area.
  8. Overpriced af, but thats what Austin has become these days Wow, I'd say. The Mediterranean Beds are kinda cool, and the 6 Baths are as well. But - 8 square feet is way too small. Also 10,198 garages are a bit much.
  9. This should be a thing. Make Herman coach UTSA to work off his buyout. At $1M a year.
  10. Last year when I was in Florida I went to DQ and tried to order tacos and a chicken and dumplings. They looked at me like I was on crack. Turns out they only sell that in TX. Then I got back to TX and tried to order an Orange Julius. Same look. WTF is wrong with DQ?
  11. He could've been talking about buying it from this place... You can buy it by the fl. oz. so I bet they can convert that to pounds.
  12. Call me crazy but I'll pass on Oprah's taco.
  13. I wonder what would happen if Herman "caught covid" today? Would that buy him 2 weeks and completely screw recruiting, or would CDC just fire him anyway? Can he "opt out" of the rest of the season due to covid fears? If news came out tomorrow that Herman has covid and one of the other coaches will be interim head coach this weekend would that mean Herman is gone but we need more time to finalize the UM deal? Maybe the hang-up is that UM has one of those rock-star contract riders that require they provide him with only green M&Ms or a unicorn or something.
  14. C'mon... I'm sure Mack would've offered Diggs as a QB. How many QBs did he offer as safeties?
  15. And if you miss that one you can catch it on the 50+ reruns on LHN.
  16. Big 12 should make it a requirement that all covid-related make-up games turn into home games for the inconvenienced team. Money talks, and in this case it would say "Put your DAMN mask on and suck it up or Texas gets another million dollars". Actually with covid attendance it probably isn't that much, but those nachos are pretty expensive so it has to be close.
  17. If we are wearing these to honor the 1970 team, slap some bell bottoms on the pants and sew a wide collar on the jerseys. The first time someone scored a touchdown would look something like this.
  18. Except for This one . Still my favorite.
  19. Right - until they decide that Texas Fight is too violent sounding, March Grandioso offends people born in February, and Wabash Cannonball... see Texas Fight.
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