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Everything posted by dec3169

  1. Beamer was pissed because earlier Illinois broke their huddle with 12 people, ran one off, and weren't called for a substitution penalty. Then Bielema walked all the way across the field to check on an injured player, turned his back on Beamer, and made the illegal substitution signal to taunt Beamer. Again - the refs didn't call a penalty for that either. Bielema better hold on to that Illinois job. Taunting another coach during a game seems to be an indicator of low IQ and high douchiness. Aggies would grab him though.
  2. Dear Penthouse Forum...
  3. That's the other Washington - the one that ends with D.C.
  4. But is he a duel threat?
  5. ProQuinn sounds like a good name for a new malaria drug. Bet his agent will have him on commercials dressed as a doctor for that one if it is ever invented. ProArch might be a good one for Athletic shoes now that I think about it.
  6. Back then the term FAFO wasn't mainstream. Now the title would be "Young Guy FAFOd, Old Guy Had Fun." Over the years both Ryan and Ventura (together) signed a bunch of those framed pictures. It is an all-time classic. I've watched the video again at least 3 times today, laughing every time. Then I think about Frank Thomas (who was in that video in the fight) now doing commercials for testosterone boner pills and I laugh some more. "She'll like it too..." - Good times.
  7. Nolan Ryan has the record for most strikeouts (5,714), most ho-hitters (7), most complete-game 1-hitters (12), fastest pitch ever thrown (108.5 MPH!), and a bunch of other good records in baseball. He also has the record for most walks (2,795), and a number of other "modern baseball" bad records along with bad fielding percentage, bad wins/losses, bad on stolen bases, etc. He also has the most badass fight on the mound EVER - at the age of 46. Stats are fun.
  8. I've never visited the Cloak Room but I hear that may help you prepare.
  9. Well if you use Aggie logic, we scored more points and gave up fewer against MS State than AZ State did so we already won that future game. We beat Michigan, who also beat tOSU - so we already won that future game. Oregon scored more points against Michigan but our defense gave up fewer points against Michigan. Our defense already won this future game. Advantage Texas. At least I think that's how Aggie would do it?
  10. At least he and a Shipley don't appear to have ever been roommates.
  11. They had to pick someone...
  12. This might be simplistic, but to me there are really 2 reasons we can't run against GA. 1. They do have a great defense. Texas had few problems against most other teams with worse defenses. 2. They don't have to worry about protecting against the QB run (when Quinn is in). Quinn might run a few times and maybe even go for a decent gain. Lately he hasn't been a run threat.
  13. Has she taught that monkey to do horns up? I know someone on here knows the answer.
  14. Or he could hurt the rest of him even more.
  15. Casey Thompson will probably be back for a 14th year.
  16. I remember the last time tOSU came to Austin. I was there with my 10yo daughter, in my 2nd year of season tickets - yes my 1st was 2005. Dumb luck. I don't remember our team being there all that much though. Hopefully I don't remember this next game for the same reason.
  17. If that happens, maybe we can get the punter to kick the ball at Mar like most of the guys do on GameDay - shank it hard left or right. I'm surprised there haven't been any broken noses or glasses... Let the punter decide where to aim. On second thought, the punter would probably miss or not kick it that far.
  18. I believe the punter's hands were still behind his back when the ball was snapped to the runner. The fake punt was entirely predictable. I told my wife they were gonna fake it and I hoped Sark knew that, well before the play. It baffles me how none of our coaches could figure out that if Georgia's punter is injured we should at least look at the possibility there will be a fake punt.
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