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Everything posted by dec3169

  1. So one of these?
  2. If we score 42 we aren't shutting them out. Our 2s and 3s will be in and will give up garbage points.
  3. Their wifi is probably unencrypted...
  4. Maybe they'll be back soon now that they've benched the long time starter The Royale with Cheese due to a bad batch of onions. Those McRibs should be healed by now.
  5. Maybe we can get Tucker to be an honorary captain for the day and be on the field for the coin flip.
  6. or the meteor
  7. What - no cameras pointing down into the section?
  8. dec3169


  9. I wondered during the game if Quinn was sick. His face was flushed all night and he looked completely indecisive. Is mono or COVID going around in Austin? They can cause facial flushing, and more importantly brain fog. He looked like I did when I got the bad version of COVID in 2021 (regarding the brain fog). I work remote, and still called my boss and told him I was out until I could put simple thoughts together. I was worried I would miss something and cause really bad stuff to happen (I worked on OT security for refineries). I beat that in a day and a half and was back working in 2 days, but the brain fog was awful. It also took about 2 weeks for my nose to work again but that was not a work issue unless I had to physically go into refineries.
  10. Leash? Do the rules allow a remote shock collar?
  11. I guess we will just have to score touchdowns and 2 point conversions. Auburn will have a light day.
  12. Can they be programmed to follow their cars down I35 after the fame for a mile or 2 just to freak them out a little?
  13. Without water?
  14. Does he not have an editor?
  15. That's it! I have the perfect Thanksgiving promotion for Kyle Field...
  16. Lost my voice for 2 days after that game.
  17. Damn you for putting an image of a titty bar IN NORMAN in my head. That's gonna take a lot of liquid eraser to remove... Now you can have the same.
  18. The "OU Sucks" (Pour Some Sugar on Me version) mp3 was my wakeup ringtone for several years. My dogs would hear it , jump on the bed, and start pawing at the covers to wake me up so they could go outside. They don't do that for any of the other ringtones in my alarm rotation - just that one. Every once in a while I'll be watching TV in my recliner while the dogs are asleep on the floor or couch, and will decide to play that song. The 2 dogs that were around when that was my alarm jump up and start dancing around to go outside. Anyone with dogs knows "the pee dance".
  19. If they put that purple cabbage crap in them I'd lean YES.
  20. Damn, that sounds strangely familiar.
  21. Maybe he can go to UTSA and Traylor can go to UNC. He can add on to his time-in-service in the UT system and go relax wherever that old LHN and Mack Brown commercial was talking about. I heard that commercial dozens of times but finally got it out of my head. Either way - Traylor to UNC and Brown to UTSA. For the lulz.
  22. Normally it's lawyers.
  23. https://www.healthline.com/health/abdominal-strain
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