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Everything posted by jeevsie

  1. Doesn't get enough play - his loss during the Bama game hurt just as much as Ewers.
  2. Bet they're going to Six Flags. Ooh, maybe a Cowboys game! Waitasecond....what if it's both!?!?
  3. Horseback is ok. Dragonback is badass.
  4. That’s pretty cool cuz Sark could have just as easily worn eyeblack with 512 on it.
  5. Agree it's a small percentage. Disagree it's insignificant - it's a signal to the industry.
  6. As I caught up on this thread, I saw the neg bombing going on (always comical to me). I can appreciate that Penelope actually followed it up with a post unlike so many. The quoted portion above is glossed over too quickly. From my sector of the industry, this is all too visible. This cycle is unlike any I've ever been through (admittedly, close to an old, so I've been through a few). Previous cycles - downward cycle is shrinkage through going belly up, parking and Reduction in Force. Upswing is expansion (sometimes rapid), consolidation, and startups. Consolidation this upswing has only been from those wanting to exit the sector. Practically NO startups this cycle. No capital to fund them. The oil industry has been painted as an unattractive investment, plain to see.
  7. Sadly, I understand this. (The Missus and her true crime obsession (no pics))
  8. Fail - white chocolate/raspberry shake. I ain't ordering that crap.
  9. Sounds like just what the actual serial killer would say. 911 informed.
  10. I think it's a mini "whoop"?? These fuggin' people...
  11. I ate a lot of cereal back in the day. Never got caught.
  12. Heh, two Longhorns on there.
  13. That's how you measure inseam for football pants, isn't it? Isn't it? Also, are we recruiting her? Is that why it's in $9.95?
  14. It’s late and I’m tired, but dinosaurs sending their regards is killing me!
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