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Everything posted by jeevsie

  1. And the shoelaces are made from the hair of the first janitor ever to work at the Erwin Center.
  2. I kept smashing together Joey Wright and James Thomas and thinking this new hire Joey Thomas is a former bball player.
  3. Can’t go undefeated if you don’t start 1-0
  4. My favorite was a doc that was sent to me with "redacted" sections. They were just black filled text boxes. Just move the text box and walla!
  5. Perhaps Beard could have gone with "Dafuq u say?" Thanks to whoever enlightened us that Mr Fantana is a Raider Rash fella.
  6. The Charger gets them......Larger??
  7. Maybe she was just hungry? Honestly, I've been there - hangry is a real thing.
  8. So they'll bring in some loudmouth Philly guy to have Hot Takes? (Just as responsible though, since I don't listen to mid day, only am drive time.)
  9. I had the same response as @CooterBrown then I had Diggler's thought process. Edited my post.
  10. Someone get that idiot off the goalpost
  11. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
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