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Everything posted by jeevsie

  1. Reign Makur Droppin Baggs
  2. Ho hum, just another game winning kick?
  3. Ok, but what about the part of the story that says there were two separate incidents? One the crushing stampede incident and the other a cardiac event later?
  4. This Sugar Baby thread sucks.
  5. Not sure I remember how to do this...
  6. The kid loves the Fiesta jersey - asking for a Murray jersey for Christmas. What are the odds Murray stays?
  7. How'd you get the beans above the frank?
  8. If I'm only picking one, the Hulu drama or HBO doc?
  9. Enjoyed it. Loved the original just from a nostalgic view. One of those 80’s movies played all the time due to lack of library depth. Mapes and Halleck didn’t get enough story time. I listened to the book a few months ago for a refresher.
  10. Heh. I had a song pop in my head randomly last night. Had to go down the rabbit trail of Soulhat. I was back in college last night...
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