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Boss Hogg

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Everything posted by Boss Hogg

  1. So is the pot just split 3 ways?
  2. I'd be shocked to see a list come out. Too useful as blackmail against any involved politicians.
  3. This is going to be an unpopular post here, but as maybe the one guy that’s dealt most closely with several Middle Eastern parties over the last decade, I thought it was interesting to hear his take on everything. I’m about halfway through it. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/all-in-with-chamath-jason-sacks-friedberg/id1502871393?i=1000634436355 Kushner interview
  4. As I stand here freezing my ass off waiting for a soccer game to start I wonder, when did the move where you half ass bend over and wave at the ground with both arms become a ubiquitous warm up move? I’m early 40s and grew up in rural small town, but I don’t recall ever seeing that until my kids started sports. Seems useless. Whatever.
  5. This dude seems pretty reasonable.
  6. I missed the game last weekend. I bet those tittays were bouncing in OT.
  7. That’s why this guy is out talking shit. I’m guessing he wants to align with Kamala or Newsome?
  8. Best place to get a steak next Saturday where I could still get a table. Go
  9. Really? They're vandalizing and banging on the gate of our executive residence. There are basic security concerns with that. I mean, are Secret Service just sitting there watching this? Can you go spray paint the gate of Buckingham Palace?
  10. Ok so wtf is going on here. This is unacceptable.
  11. I’ve only been to Wyoming and BYU but it was the same dude who needed a bra at each game.
  12. lol Shoutout to the fat black guy not wearing a shirt that is shown at least 30 times a game with his titties bouncing all over the place.
  13. That’s been going on forever. My grandpa had llamas watching his angora goats 30 years ago on his place between Uvalde and Pearsall.
  14. But how much of their ammo did they deplete? Looks like just another way that drones are changing the game.
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