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Boss Hogg

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Everything posted by Boss Hogg

  1. Is there any worse person than the one that thinks the upside down Dallas caps are cool?
  2. The slow walk to first was whatever. It really was the bat slam that did it. And yes, they totally hit him on purpose. And he deserved it in a nice, old school kinda way. Get fucked, Rangers
  3. Davenport just got back one of their best players last week. Possibly could have been the starting QB this year if he hadn't torn his Acl at end of sophomore year. He plays as a starting WR and can be used as QB for some gadget and wildcat stuff. #2. Had a big impact last week. The key to slowing Davenport down is forcing turnovers. QB is somewhat prone to it. Fumbles snaps and stuff. Don't know if he has small hands or what, but that was their downfall against Kerrville. There's your scouting report. 😆
  4. The only place I ever see it brought up anymore is by thirsty, pussy ass Rangers fans like yourself. Now go listen some more to Rhyner waxing nostalgic about Steve Buechele on your sports radio. Bitch.
  5. Ok so I stopped following the blow by blow, just saw on cnn at work that Israeli Defense Minister says they'll “see Gaza from the inside soon”. What would be the stated goal of an incursion into Gaza? I ask because I fear this will be extremely bloody and I’m curious what specifically they intend to achieve?
  6. Or they could just pay for what we give them? They have a sizable “emergency fund”
  7. I realize Ukraine has essentially no economy and their financial situation is in shambles, but Israel has $200B in foreign reserves. Why are we always on the hook to give them free shit? And yes I know this is the wrong time to ask that blah blah blah.
  8. At this point does it even matter who did it? It doesn’t matter to all the people in the streets across the Arab world. They will never be convinced that it was anyone other than Israel. Bad moon rising
  9. Well, thank goodness. Only objective people are allowed to post here.
  10. That list is pretty wild. As far as the chyron goes, I’d like to hear what his baseless, dangerous claim was about Epstein death. I think the contrarian opinion regarding that would be that it was just a garden variety suicide.
  11. This account is routinely full of shit. Moar Facebook memes Which ex-General?
  12. Cool breakdown of that play from Colt.
  13. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/131997-mjs-1st-retirement-was-it-a-secret-suspension
  14. My favorite harmless conspiracy is that Michael Jordan’s first retirement was due to an investigation into his gambling.
  15. Depends on what he “makes” her do, that sick fuck
  16. If they're smart the next huge bag is going to a lower level staffer in the AD. One that is equipped with whatever it is that gets Jimbo going. And then she starts hitting on him.
  17. My quote How is decrying terrorists and antisemites different than decrying scumbag Russian war criminals in the Ukraine thread? The two conflicts involve one side believing the other does not have a right to exist. They commit war crimes or terrorist acts towards those ends. On one thread people rightfully say fuck Russia. On this thread someone says they're sick of all the anti-Semitism and people are like whoa whoa whoa CR bro. I can understand mods wanting to keep that thread as clean as possible. I’m sure part of it is responding to reports. I don't get the average poster reporting posts like that though. I suspect there's CR reasons behind that. I'll just stay out of that thread from now on.
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