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Boss Hogg

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Everything posted by Boss Hogg

  1. If you run it on 3rd and 9, you’re kind of committed to going to For it on 4th if you make it more than half the way. We pussed out.
  2. I think it’s appropriately rated.
  3. He should absolutely go pro. He's going to test well enough. Put that with his running production and elite pass catching ability and he will definitely get picked by the end of 3rd round. That's being conservative too. Staying on his current trajectory I think puts him in the top half of 2nd round. Go make hay while the sun shines young man.
  4. Also if you get there at 8, bring some booze because it’s a good lot to hang out and have a couple of drinks before you go in at 9-930 and fight the crowds. Leaving the lot is easy as well.
  5. You're welcome. Small lot that is attended by the same dude and his family. Parked there for 20 years probably. Always in nice cars. Nobody touches anything. 8:00 will be plenty early.
  6. Brent Venables tried to recruit Lowell Galindo to host his TV coach’s show, filmed at the campus Cracker Barrel
  7. Wow y’all missed out! I got an email out of nowhere from this one saying they’re considering a lowball offer that’s in the ten cents on the dollar range but could rise to about 25 cents on the dollar if certain incentives are met. Cha Ching!
  8. Brent Venables put mayonnaise on his Whataburger instead of mustard.
  9. When Brent Venables goes on celebrity game shows he donates winnings to ridiculous pet charities instead of like kids with cancer.
  10. Meh. The longest shutdown ever was 35 days. Again, 35 days. Who are the let it all burn folks? Because the roles are reversed in DC from 5 years ago when the longest ever shutdown occurred. It’s pretty clear it’s for CR reasons that this stuff is getting blown up. Same with debt ceiling. We were never defaulting but people had their hair on fire over that. The initial point remains that markets DGAF about shutdowns historically and there’s no clear why they should this time.
  11. I’d like to hear how a temporary government shutdown causes irreparable damage, especially to the market. The whole debt ceiling thing I can see. Once you default a line has been crossed. Temporary shutdown just doesn’t move the needle to me. And it hasn’t historically.
  12. Idk. You tell me. What is negative about a government shutdown from a market standpoint? Political uncertainty? That’s a stretch. Hasn’t seemed to matter. Any missed government spending from a prolonged shutdown is always made back up. It’s the definition of a nothingburger.
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