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Boss Hogg

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Everything posted by Boss Hogg

  1. We like to book a private boat tour on our trips. From San Pedro it looks like there’s a few different destinations. Any difference or preference between Secret Beach and Caye Caulker? It’s me, my wife and 4 kids. Age range 6 to 15.
  2. From a FB group that shares old people struggling with FB posts/internet.
  3. Another thread from Gemini. Pretty funny. I like the country music fans.
  4. A lot of long, hard hours
  5. Interesting
  6. How much time is enough to land at Belize City before you jump on the flight to San Pedro and vice versa?
  7. Well, you might have stumbled onto why the story is not being reported much by left wing outlets.
  8. That 6% indy number is pretty surprising.
  9. Are left wingers not covering it? Or do you think their coverage of it is being suppressed by Elon/X?
  10. Because Rs know their voters prioritize the border over Ukraine and Israel?
  11. Good news- no charges for POTUS Bad news is that’s because they don’t think a jury would convict due to him being mentally unfit. Here another direct passage from special counsel. Or, when his Vice Presidency ended. So, who’s really making the calls? Sullivan? Kamala? Time for Kamala or Newsome imo.
  12. Again, it’s an existential fight for Israel. All that matters to them is winning. It doesn’t make what they’re doing right, but don’t be surprised by it. Take it from one of our top generals in WW2 Le May’s strategy was to “bomb and burn “em till they quit.” He once said, "I'll tell you what war is about. You've got to kill people, and when you've killed enough, they stop fighting." On another occasion he said, “I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal. Fortunately, we were on the winning side.”
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