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Boss Hogg

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Everything posted by Boss Hogg

  1. Dirk in person watching Tommy Paul tonight.
  2. I love it. The next time my daughters drag me to Olive Garden, I’m going to order a bottle of Santa Margherita and do the whole bit.
  3. He has some level of dementia clearly. I don’t think he’s involved in day to day decision making. He probably sits in a meeting or two a day. Where Trump’s mental capacity issues lead to him spewing word salad, Joe has trouble finding words all the time. In that clip he had to get reeled back in by a helpful reporter. My ideal would be them both to back out before the election. Neither is very capable at this point. We have to save democracy by voting for one of two options that won’t even be in charge of the administration. Great.
  4. Good thing he has capable people running the country under him. He can’t be too involved at this point.
  5. Thanks for the summary. As far as expecting there to be a slant on news broadcasts, there don’t have to editorial stances taken. For this story here are a couple options. Increasing numbers of Chinese middle class entering illegally. Positive framing- they’re skilled workers, yay that’s just what we need in our country. Negative framing- China is our biggest adversary and there’s many illegal, undocumented people from there entering our country every day. A good amount of skepticism towards media is warranted. Everyone has biases, including news reporters and producers. What are your favorite news sources?
  6. I don’t know, but 60 minutes could try to spin things any number of ways. I’ll just say I know they’ve clearly staged one medical scene before. It was eye opening and I try not to fall prey to Gell-Mann amnesia wrt their reporting.
  7. Was the Chinese angle presented as a positive or a negative? Just curious what angle they’re trying to push.
  8. Jesus, OP. Walk back from the ledge. Bring your daughter back with you.
  9. This story is making some waves nationally. They later arrested 4 illegals which were released without bail. Then left the state.
  10. If you're wanting a drink specifically and willing to go a bit slightly downtown I’d say La Gloria can be fun. In the Pearl area, but on the river. From there you can look around Pearl. Another combo could be going to Shiro, good sushi etc then going to Elsewhere. Cool outdoor bar scene. Again, by river, but not in heart of downtown.
  11. To eat or drink? Domingo is kind of upscale Mexican place. Good patio. In nice hotel, Canopy.
  12. Jesus, talk about pissing in the wind.
  13. Please. Laws governing conduct of war sound great, but in an existential conflict between two sides you can expect those rules to be bent or disregarded as needed. As is, dressing up like doctors to gain access to targets doesn't strike me as a big gotcha.
  14. Something, something, dont quote laws to men with swords. As conflicts get more advanced around the world in the near future, these rules and legal agreements will have less and less relevance. I don't have a problem with it.
  15. I saw this clip and immediately thought of this lol. At 1:18 his glasses slide off and his eyes definitely look fucked up. As an aside, great follow on Twitter. The 1972 tour is pretty legendary.
  16. Foreign policy maybe playing a part? We're in the midst of a global shitshow.
  17. Finally caught up with my cousin that has lived in Tel Aviv for several years. Married to a Russian Jew that holds both passports so we had a wide ranging discussion. They were in Berlin on October 7th and I think have only been back to Tel Aviv for a few days since then. Have been back in Texas the last couple months. He's obviously very pro-Israel so take these comments with a grain of salt. He says even the left leaning Israelis have been hardened by the attacks and are fully committed to the defense. Many of the more “tolerant” Israelis lived in the South, close to Gaza. Almost as a sign of their openness. To then have them be the ones terrorized was not lost on people. In the next month or so, he thinks they have to address the situation with Hezbollah. Says it is underreported in the states how many rockets are being fired still from Lebanon into northern Israel. The amount of Israelis displaced from the north and living in hotels or abroad and waiting to come home is substantial which makes it even more pressing to deal with Hezbollah, in his opinion. Then there's the concern of what happens with Iran when that occurs. Potential for escalation? He only sees conflict intensifying. Sorry to tell this board that he does think Biden’s state is fueling a lot of this unrest. Throughout Europe and Middle East his mental state is much more openly discussed. In the Middle East/Islamic world especially there is much more respect for the strongman archetype in leaders. It's clear that is not what is seen globally in POTUS. Might put the Russia stuff in the other thread.
  18. Thanks! I figured you had the goods. Lock the thread!
  19. Why has no one asked the expert if there’s something to this? @Nicole44
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