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Boss Hogg

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Everything posted by Boss Hogg

  1. Part of the perception problem is that inaction is seen as beneficial to the Democratic Party from a purely political standpoint. These will eventually be overwhelmingly D voters. Everyone knows that. The cynic in me says that’s why nothing is done by Dems in Congress. Easier to scream racism and let everybody in. Bolster numbers. Unfortunately there are actual consequences to large amounts of illegal immigration on legal citizens and government services. Not to mention finances. Republicans do nothing because it’s a hard problem to fix and it’s good for riling up their base. The problem might be reaching level though that something has to be done. And you don’t ever want situations to ever where government has to “do something!”
  2. About to be ugly. Need a stop here to make it worth watching
  3. Some terrible calls early. A clear late hit out of bounds, and punter taken out and no call.
  4. Global trade being disrupted by these Houthi attacks. How long until something substantial is done to shut these fools down?
  5. What did the GOP actually say they wanted on the border issue? Does anyone really think the border is being well handled currently? So why haven’t they figured out some bullshit token thing to give Rs on border security to make it easier to get aid to Ukraine? This was an obvious set up for quite a while and there’s been time to work it out. If the Rs reject it then they really look corrupt/shitty. As is they can wave their hands and say they just wanted xyz for the border and nobody wanted to make a deal. Dumb.
  6. Why do a small number of men have the extremely wrinkled scalp that is exposed when they have to shave their heads? Bizarre looking. Also, a question for the wrinkled head posters here. Could you tell your whole life you had the wrinkled head, or was it a big surprise when you shaved your head, like damn?
  7. Davenport DLine was just too small and the Chapel Hill QB/RB are excellent athletes. Both Juniors already committed to SMU, but claim “offers” from bigger schools including the QB having one from Sark as an ATH. Davenport needed the QB to be really on and he was a little off all night.
  8. 21-20 chapel Hill at halftime. Difference was missed XP.
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