I hate gun culture so fucking much. Obviously grew up in Texas, so you know protection and all that, sure, whatever. But people who make guns their life, or sport, or any of that shit? Fucking disgusting as hell. It's cringy in the exact same way Tim The Tool Man Taylor's obsession with power tools was supposed to be a joke, like normally people don't make their entire lives about a fucking tool. I live behind a gun range now, and starting friday evening until sunday night, it's like a fucking war zone. My senior dog, 15 years old, gets fucking terrified when we go for walks because it's like the fourth of july 3 days a week, every week. And of course, the one fucking time I actually brought MY gun to the gun range for safety training, the moment me and my dad's brown asses stepped through the door, everybody got quite and stared at us and didn't say a fucking word until we left.
Growing up, even in fucking Texas, the way people glorify guns wasn't common. I see people with AK47 stickers on the back of their trucks every goddamn day. It legitimately reminds me of what we were told Afghanistan was like after 9/11, how "terrorists" were flashing their AKs everywhere. But it's ok when bubba beer belly down the street does it because he's white and delightsome. Like, no, I don't feel safe with the dipshit who occasionally takes a swig of skoal because he mixed up his cans holding a deadly weapon.
Fuck guns and their stupid fucking culture.