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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. "HUR HUR HE MAED THEM MAD JENNIUS TROLL" What a fucking loser
  2. To be fair, part of the 3 hours is somebody actually playing the game. As in, the football parts between the story. They're not full games, they're more like offensive highlights (cause the main character is a QB, and the secondary character is his life long best friend and WR), but they still make up a huge chunk of the run time. you can pretty much skip to the last play of any of those sections, since only the last play is cinematic and relevant to the story. For example, the first time you see football game action is when the main character has to lead a comeback as a freshman in highschool off the bench down 21 in the 3rd quarter. From that point on, it's just normal madden video game, except the last play, which is all dramatic and cinematic and shit when the comeback is complete. Without spoiling too much, the climax of the story is pretty awesome. It's kind of a bad look for Texas Longhorns fans, but it concludes at DKR and it's pretty awesome.
  3. I haven't played an EA football game since NCAA Football died several years ago, and never really followed the pros or anything. So cue my surprise when I learned modern Madden games feature full story modes, with cutscenes and cinematics that focus on one player as he goes from college to the pros. Apparently this has been a thing in sports video games since that Michael Jordan mode in NBA2k several years back. Anyways, Madden 2018's story mode is called "Longshot" and it is inspired by former Green Baret and Texas Longhorn Nate Boyer. The main character is a made up player named Devin Wade who is a former Army soldier who, through the course of the story, rekindles his love of Football after his playing days at the University of Texas. Nate Boyer himself even does voice acting for the story mode. The story mode is like a damn movie, it's over 3 hours long and all on youtube. It's surprisingly awesome and actually got me hyped:
  4. what a complete fucking loser
  5. A&M being in charge of the Space Force is what will put us back on the "For all mankind" timeline with North Korea beating us to Mars.
  6. I'm of the opinion that both washington AND houston are shitholes with miserable weather. So I guess we balance out.
  7. Since when did A&M get harder to get into? Rick Perry wanted to turn them into a degree mill (and UT too, but UT told the state to go fuck itself). You can go back several years and see dipshit aggys boasting (without realizing what they're doing) about how their enrollment rate keeps going up.
  8. *MOSTLY* sunny today: Meanwhile I'm in shorts and T-shirt here in Houston. Been sunny all day (and not in the *mostly* sense).
  9. Literally the only time I've ever seen it not rain in all my time in Washington, was when I would go up Mt. Rainier above the rain.
  10. One leading expert in the space industry who won't be there: Richard Garriott, aka Lord British, who has given many guest lectures at Texas, and is proud UT alumnus (as well as one of the most influential people in Comp Sci).
  11. Seattle has like 45 minutes of sunlight during the winter. And even if it's not raining, every day has thick fog, even if it sometimes clears up. There's a reason University of Washington has the highest suicide rate in the country. Yours sounds like a life wasted.
  12. Does alabama really have the money to compete with the juggernaut that is the Arlington Renegades??
  13. I want this to happen, and for bama to pay jimbo less than aggy is paying him at the same time, sincs getting a new job doesn't let aggy off the hook with his ridiculous contract.
  14. the problem with conspiracy theorists and why their "research" never holds up is because it's all done backwards. It's the exact opposite of the scientific method. They start with a conclusion, then desperately try to find evidence to back it up. It just doesn't work like that, thats' not how it's supposed to be done. Real scientists aren't really afraid to challenge commonly held beliefs. Science is malleable and constantly changing. Science is a process. Science is dispassionate. You can't do actual science, if you're trying to use science to back up your predetermined belief.
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