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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. I would pay good money to watch Sam fuck up Aggys. Especially if he called them pussies on national television.
  2. I actually think if Mack didn't leave, we wouldn't have been stuck with McAfee in the first place. Mack is clown enough that he'd eagerly take Corso's headgear tradition and they wouldn't have turned to McAfee to try and "energize" the set. So double fuck him.
  3. I don't hate him, the BCS title year was one of the best years of my entire life and the Texas Longhorns were an enormous part of it. I just recognize what he did, he destroyed his legacy. I don't want our second most accomplished coach in Texas history to go out like a bum, but he did. He should have stuck to College Gameday, he was good at it. Now he doesn't even have that, Saban took it from him. Dude's ego destroyed what he built, and it's sad but also funny to see it happen telegraphed so perfectly.
  4. It's always hilarious when a coach is all "I'm planning on coming back!" only to get fired. What a dumbass Mack Brown was, he ruined his own legacy. His coaching career now ends by being FIRED instead of nominally walking away. What an ego.
  5. Thus far, texas has won every conference on its way out, and also won every conference its joined in the first year. Texas also has won its first game in every conference its joined, and also the last game in every conference it has left.
  6. "every college football fan thinks his particular team is being picked on unfairly."
  7. Well yeah but that doesn't count, anything can happen in their closest rivalry game. They're lucky they pussed away when they did so Leach couldn't give Tech a winning record over Aggy like they were marching towards. Didn't he draw the series even? Imagine being even with Texas fucking Tech.
  8. Can you imagine the symphony of brown and yellow stains that will be sizzling in Elko's underwear after that slob drinks from the gravy boat during his turkey day meal?
  9. wanted to point out we won it first year in the SWC too. Texas has won every conference it's been a part of in their first year so far. Speaking of fun facts, A&M is literally the only school in NCAA history to be 0-3 in their first game in a new conference, lulz. Lost to Rice in the SWC opener, lost to Colorado in the Big 12 opener, lost to Florida in the SEC opener. By contrast, Texas is 3-0 in their first game in a new conference.
  10. only one black eye here, I catch on quick
  11. You're right, it was foolish of me to not DEMAND to my mom that she not get pregnant with my older siblings in the 70s. I really didn't use a firm enough hand growing up. I should also tell my mom to stop inviting them to Thanksgiving, lest I look like a chump on Surly for not staying FAR AWAY. Thats fucking dope, tho.
  12. I will accept either of these as well. Or possibly some sort of derping through aggy hearts.
  13. I hope we beat Aggy on a controversial last second field goal where they put 1 second on the clock, and they play it all around the country, just to fuck with Nebraska too.
  14. This game is important like the final Texas-Nebraska "rivalry" game was important: very much so to one side, while completely routine on the other. But FUCKING HILARIOUS in the end.
  15. I'm not even joking, I fucking hate aggys so goddamn much. I have family that are aggys, and I hate them with my full chest. Fuck A&M. I spit on their stupid sacred grass specifically to disrespect their loser corp members who thankfully died in battle.
  16. this is legitimately some of the funniest shit I've seen all day, holy shit. I've never seen somebody so pathetic, lol. Absolutely no shame, jfc. Imagine getting this erect over white knighting a bunch of 18 year olds at the expense of your own actual career respectability. "CUCK" as I believe the kids call it.
  17. Most intimidating stadium on earth, trust me you do NOT want to make THESE guys mad: Especially with all the boys, dudes, and fellas in the crowd getting frothy and riled up, slinging whooping catcalls at at their favorite boy cheerleaders gyrating on the sidelines.
  18. omfg that's even better than insta-quitting lol they rage-quit within seconds lmao Can you save the replay? Put it online, that's hilarious. Tag it on youtube and you'll get hits.
  19. since the texas score is 0, I think that means they quit as soon as they saw they were playing a Texas fan lol
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