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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. Pretty brilliant of those players to stick around for the glory that is college station instead of transferring literally anywhere else despite their burning hatred of Jimbo. They sure are a smart bunch.
  2. Oh yeah, will is Oklahoma State second fiddle to Oklahoma?? Check mate, atheists.
  3. One would think a common tradition among champions would be winning championships.
  4. witness protection program, sheep fetish, kidnapping, racism, etc.
  5. It's a good thing they didn't take out a huge loan for their stadium renovations that are taking years to pay off and that we're not in an era where fan foundations should be directing their spending to NIL to remain competitive then, surely aggy will weather this just fine.
  6. The entire Jimbo Saga is basically that Genesis song, Jesus he Knows Me
  7. And Harden still doesn't have a win with the clips lol
  8. Loochi is a fascinating train wreck of fashion. As you note, his clothing style is straight out of bum fights, but his chin puff goatee facial hair suggests a fedora that never appears, instead opting for a truck stop lot lizard ball cap. I can only imagine he smells like BO and a lot of Nautica.
  9. this thumb looking motherfucker has aggy written all over his cartman-like neck rolls.
  10. I assume it's because Texas actually has a long history of telling the state to go fuck itself regarding funding because the university can make enough money on it's own to stay afloat. For example, the state wanted to cut funding when integration began and Texas started admitting black students, and the University called it's bluff and went a few years without state funding and was just fine. Being able to handle your own banking keeps both the state and the BOR in line. This is actually precisely the reason Rick Perry was able to fuck with A&M so much. When students at A&M massively protested his 5-point program (in lock step with University of Texas students, actually), A&M had to fold because they were in debt, while Texas got to successfully get around his 5-point program. Very honestly the only time I ever felt sorry for the Ags, cause the governor was fucking with actual student education there against their will.
  11. Didn't looch say they were too poor to afford Mike Gundy? As in, 7-3, just-lost-45-to-3-to-UCF, 1-CCG-in-18-years, 6-25-1 to their biggest rival Mike Gundy? They're not getting any A-Lister here.
  12. didn't he fall to like 2-16 vs OSU and Michigan? He'd be *PERFECT* at Aggy.
  13. Tom Herman is precisely the kind of douche bag with no self awareness who would be laughing at Fisher getting fired from a big university.
  14. If only Texas A&M was a fiscally conservative college, perhaps they wouldn't be in this mess, unlike us liberal Longhorns and our financial situation.
  15. Recent? Les Miles won a national title 16 years ago. Is Texas' national championship recent?
  16. didn't that happen during the first year of the rumlin hire?
  17. Well now Aggy can finally put together that dream team of coaches itching to go to A&M, with co-head corches Urban Maya and Nick Saban, and Kirby Smart as their top assistant, like they deserve.
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