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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. Succinct as fuck post. I live in the only, singular reality. You desperately try to convince yourself that you don't. Like a pussy.
  2. "that chick who was raped was asking for it by dressing all sexy" <- you
  3. So what you're saying is you haven't ever experienced compliance and still getting fucked up, which is exactly what I said. You have no experience in this subject, so shut the fuck up.
  4. It was posted months ago out of fucking nowhere, lmao you're so fucking terrified of confronting reality, and your reasoning skills are complete fucking dogshit because of your paralyzing fear. What. a. fucking. pussy. Correct, I cut those losers out of my life.
  5. there is no such thing as a good cop. I have friends I grew up with who are cops, and family who are cops. They are bad people, because they are cops. Full stop, no buts.
  6. My brother was a starting pitcher for Texas A&M, and is white and delightsome, and he's told me so many fucking stories about driving around in college station black out drunk, redlining it, and the cops pulling him and his teammates over and being like "Yall just hurry home now." Now you know. Because you were too pussy to read it the first time, apparently.
  7. So did that Charles Kinsey. He found out real quick. Maybe you'll find out eventually, but I hope not. With cops, it's not "FAFO," it's simply "FO." No "FA" required.
  8. "There's no rule that says I DON'T have to be a dick guzzling single chromosome dipshit" is a super pussy thing to post without a sense of irony.
  9. I love posters who says shit like this who have literally never experienced any of this shit in their lives. Protip: doing that shit won't protect you when the police want to fuck you up. It's not about what Tyreek did, there is no justification unless he broke a law. He didn't.
  10. Probably the same thing that happened to this guy, which caused them to "fear for their lives."
  11. Because we are supposed to have laws that prevent being treated like that.
  12. Keep yawning open that anus my dude, I'll keep pumping until dry.
  13. "OWNED" types the nominally adult pussy with tens of thousands of posts in 2024 desperately trying to prove he's not a loser
  14. I commanded you to reply to me and you did immediately like a bitch, lmao, And you haven't stopped since I demanded your attention like an obedient cuck.
  15. OMG you watch wrestling as well? Talk about a total package loser, I can smell your sweat-soaked black denim jeans through the internet.
  16. Pouting about name calling like a little girl is really dispelling this "pussy" moniker
  17. Ah yes Communists, famously anti-state in their opinions and world-view. yeah, you're a huge fucking pussy.
  18. "the rules" are called laws. What law did Tyreek break?
  19. I'm sure @texpete will be in here shortly to shriek "NO CR!!!!" like he always does when non-republicans post shit like this shortly. Pussy
  20. They ordered him to roll down the window, *and he fucking did*. That's the contradiction, idiot.
  21. I like how MNLonghornFUKM is trying to be a big internet tough guy ITT while simultaneously being too much of a chickenshit pussy to read my posts. Typical bootlick loser.
  22. Yes? You're the one saying he disobeyed a lawful order. No he didn't. They never gave the order. That's the contradiction. Learn to read.
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