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Posts posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. On 2/17/2024 at 4:14 PM, Zeus said:

    Microsoft sucks but it seems like they’ve started to mount a comeback now that consoles are just high end PCs.

    Just a few days ago, microsoft had a conference to announce they were essentially winding down their console market and transitioning to being a 3rd party developer, releasing games on playstation and nintendo. Their major revenue source, gamepass, has flatlined, and outside of the us, the xbox brand essentially does not exist.

    They are doing the exact opposite of coming back.

    • Haha 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:


    imagine not only having a mugshot, but also looking like a cross between the lead singer of Smash Mouth and Guy Fieri, and not feeling an ounce of shame when it's posted. Liucci has to have an embarrassment fetish or some shit, only explanation.

    • Haha 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, TOR said:

    1992 Cotton Bowl.  Shock The Nation!  Holy crap that stadium was cold.

    the last game I saw in person as a student at UT was the rose bowl vs bama. I had 5 years of season student season tickets through the texas athletics website at that point -- i'd get a full student season ticket every year because doing so would let you straight up buy a Red River Shootout ticket upfront without dealing with the lottery bullshit or the second hand market and I went to the RRS every year I was at UT. I was a super senior on my victory lap, so I not only got to buy a national championship ticket to the rose bowl at face value, they wound up being *insanely* good seats, 2nd row, right in the corner of the end zone. Legitimately some of the best tickets I ever had in my life. I remember me and a friend of mine went to go pick up our tickets at the box office at DKR, and they had police escort us because there was a crowd of students outside shouting ridiculous numbers at us to buy our tickets. No fucking way was I going to sell something like that, though. Shame that the game wound up being the Colt McCoy Injury game, and that's how I left UT. Probably my worst moment as a UT football fan, and it was still pretty fucking cool. Still have the ticket put up with my other UT memorabilia.

    Being at that game, and then going to the game in austin and having my 71 year old mom have a heart attack at the game, it made beating Bama last year feel so insanely, amazingly cathartic. I can't wait for life in the SEC.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, TOR said:

    We wandered the deserts, it was awful  Hell ousucks gave up the business.  

    And then there was that tech game...

    When I went to school, our worst year was a 10-3 finish that still landed in the top 10. We were also the number 1 party school in the nation at that point according to playboy, and the top ranked public university. I saw Texas reach #1 in basketball for the first time ever during my time at Texas, and watched Texas win a title in Football, Baseball, and Volleyball. Fuck my time at UT was awesome, literally a golden age for the school.

    I only saw us lose to OU once during my time at Texas, in 2007. I followed that up by watching us beat #1 OU at the cotton bowl the following year.

    Also, drop dead gorgeous women on campus fucking everywhere. What a time. When I went to Texas, we were top in class in fucking everything.

  5. On 2/17/2024 at 2:51 PM, nbmishoid said:

    Don’t know why, but I like that we rank highly.   What do we do with the endowment money?   Can it be used to lower attendance costs?

    Endowment money is used for basically all non-sports stuff at UT, the actual school. UT Athletics is self-funding, one of the few in the country. It generates all its own revenue and has a surplus, so it doesn't need to dip into the endowment. The endowment is used to pay for world-class, high-name professors and fund cutting edge research in medicine and science. It's what makes UT an actual good school, not just a large state degree mill.

    When I went to Texas in the Aughts, we had Warren fucking Spector teaching a comp sci class. This was like a full decade before "Game Dev" was an actual degree at universities. For those who aren't into game development, Warren Spector is a goddamn legend, behind games like Ultima VII, System Shock, Wing Commander, Thief, Deus Ex, and he also did quite a bit of work for Half Life 2. He's been a major creative force at Origin, Looking Glass, Valve, Eidos, Ion Storm, and Disney. Texas hired him to teach a new kind of class that didn't exist anywhere else in the country when he was at the peak of his career. They were able to make such a splash hire because we have an insane endowment. And Texas makes similar "holy shit" hires in every college it offers a degree in. Texas is legitimately a great school, I didn't choose to come to Texas for the football program like Okies do for OU, I chose to come to Texas because it was an awesome no-brainer choice for academics. Being amazing at Football during the same time period was just an added perk. I've always been incredibly proud of the computer science legacy we have at Texas, which was my degree.

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  6. The very best thing about this video is that we finally have footage of holding up trophies beyond the 05 Rose Bowl. Feels fucking awesome to see our current starting QB holding the conference title. Loved the shot of Sam Ehlinger throwing up the horns and Bijan wiping a tear, too.

    Just getting started. I can't fucking wait till september.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    John Sharp has embraced shady accounting, shady sources of funding from foreign governments, backdoor deals, and corruption. He has also severely degraded their academic efforts in pursuit of being the biggest and having the most alumni solely for the purposes of increased donations. He has made his school a laughingstock in every realm.

    Only a fucktard would try to spin those observations into something political. Let the adults talk, dick breath. 


    take it cr you dipshit hurr hurrrrrrr

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  8. 29 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    It’s almost as if John Sharp shouldn’t be employed by a governmental entity. 



    fucking hypocrite

    • Haha 1
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  9. 35 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    <Holy Grail>But you see... we've already got one!</Holy Grail>

    And of course, ours is sponsored by Alienware...



    Well Michael Dell founded Dell while at UT so that checks out.

  10. Texas A&M plans to take over old Macy's building for new e-sports facility

    University officials will visit the site at Post Oak Mall this week to discuss turning it into the home of over 2,000 students active in e-sports.


    GET YOUR LICKS IN NOW. Aggy is about to be swimming in "sports" championships. Kroger Field is last century, it's now all about Macy's Lan Cafe.

    Their new champions factory fits in so well with the other architecture on campus


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  11. 44 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    Wasn't the whole point of the "Junction Boys" story to prove how A&M toughened up the football players with a long, hot summer training session?  

    Oh god, "The Qatar Boys"...but this time it gets real fucking weird.

    Whats the junction boys story? Is that the story about how the dipshits pushed a cannon all the way to waco only to chicken out and run away with their tail between their legs, which they tell with pride like it makes them look good?

  12. 20 hours ago, TonyTexas said:

    Gameday isn’t getting rid of anybody while adding Saban. With the guest panelist, that puts seven people on the dais. 


    Didnt pat mcaffee confirm he is leaving gameday a while back, to deafening cheers?

  13. 2 minutes ago, Royale with cheese said:


    That escalated quickly.png

    This thread has no room for leg humping dipshits who white knight aggys from the most milquetoast insults because they joined their political sports team. He's a lousy hypocrite who shits up threads constantly.

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  14. 18 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    Y'all take this shit somewhere else. 

    Considering how you interpret fucking anything even tangently related to a republican as being political (hint: making fun of rick perrys hair is not political), you should get fucking banned for being a walking talking cr.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  15. Just now, YGIFS said:

    I dunno.  I just crack up when people question George Carlin's word-choices is all.  He's the most economically efficient comic to ever walk the Earth, in terms of word choice.  

    I wonder what he'd have to say about A&M?  Maybe we should ask Jim Rome?  

    Bro george carlin isnt gonna fuck you, stop trying so hard

    • Haha 3
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