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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. straight into my veins!!!
  2. One of the initial reasons I was so excited for biden was because he campaigned on being a great aisle crosser, who could work with enemies if needed. I was genuinely hopeful that work could get done, but I've come to realize the Republicans will never reach across the aisle, ever, outside of extremely rare times like when McCain gave the thumbs down. I am so, so fucking tired of this shit. I'm so fucking tired of "lets go brandon" and "liberal tears" and all this other antagonistic bullshit. I'm tired of feeling like a civil war is just a few nutjobs away. I am so ready to see that pic of Walz with the kids plastered everywhere.
  3. FUCK YEAH!! Walz was my first choice, that pic of him with the kids when signing the lunch bill is fucking awesome
  4. The fuck he was. Dumbass married the quaker oats logo, guy had half a chromosome.
  5. Well of course someone who graduated from Yale can't be an idiot
  6. "are you seriously saying that someone who KILLED PEOPLE FOR THE GOVERNMENT could have possibly been dumb??" That's it, that's the contention.
  7. Sounds like a fucking moron to me, and america agreed. It's also hilarious that you point to him being the head of the CIA as proof of his intelligence, when the CIA made so many fucking stupid, embarrassing mistakes. Remember his whole fucking stupid "I bought crack cocaine right outside the white house" comment in the 80s, ignoring it was sold by the fucking CIA to begin with. Bragging about the CIA selling crack, to CIA agents. Wow very smart dude there. Clearly he was a genius at the CIA.
  8. uh, so Reagan, HW Bush, GW Bush, and Trump... which is the above average intelligence one? HW? The Man who argued for fucking months with Murphy Brown in live debates on TV while his polling numbers fell like she was a real actual person that people cared about instead of a sitcom character? While everyone told him to cut it out because he was looking like a buffoon literally arguing with the TV? That's the above-average intelligence dude? The guy who, while trying to win the youth vote in 1991, centered his re-election campaign on being Anti-Simpsons, during the absolute height of Bart-Mania, one of the biggest phenomenons in TV history? That's the smart dude?
  9. fun fact: the simpsons official merch in japan has 5 fingers, since displaying 4-fingers is considered an ethnic slur in japan:
  10. I'd describe Joe Rogan and Elon Musk's relationship less as a dog and his boy, and more like a cuck and his autistic bull.
  11. you condescending fucking prick, get fucked loser. You think because I only tell one story from 20 years ago that I have only felt it "one time"? This isn't a misery contest you emotionally stunted piece of shit. I hope the police run on you like they did me so you can finally get your wish fulfillment and can stop pretending like you're some goddamn badass.
  12. Remember when Johnny Manziel had to lead a comeback over fucking Duke?
  13. Joe Rogan isn't white, he's Terry-Bollea Tan.
  14. I'm not talking about my state, I'm talking about you and your "he has black friends, he can't be racist" dumb ass. The statement was about you and your overt whiteness, moron.
  15. There are so many posts were you really show that you're from Iowa.
  16. Er, no, there are stupid people who listen to joe rogan and think he's smart. Joe Rogan depressingly isn't the stupidest person on the planet.
  17. I remember playing his revenge on the Atari.
  18. Honeymoons are a climax of passion that declines over time. Everything about this election is the opposite, Kamala has become more popular every day and her lead keeps growing. It's the exact opposite path of a honeymoon, this is a legitimate phenomenon. It was always extremely bad luck that Democrats had to run largely historically unpopular candidates against a populist like Trump, I always thought why couldn't we have a JFK or Obama or similarly hyped democrat at such an important moment in our history. Kamala has become that. She's having a legitimate historic campaign. Even better, there's a full other term available for her after this. Calling this a honeymoon is pure, 10000000% copium.
  19. I appreciate that the maga hand is tiny
  20. My mom is in her 70's and is an old school republican. Grew up during the era of dixiecrats. Military wife. Pretty much the old republican bread and butter. Trump drove her away from the republican party, she held her nose and voted for Hilary and Biden, but that was more a vote against Trump than anything else. Kamala has hit my mom differently. She's genuinely excited to vote for her. Not about voting against Trump, she just outright likes Kamala, in a way she definitely did not like Hilary or Biden. She finds her "Say it to my face" and "I know your type" quips hilarious, and when I visited her today, she was watching youtube clips of Kamala's speeches the entire time. Which is all to say that I feel it when people say this enthusiasm for Kamala is real, it's not just a honeymoon period. My mom isn't that reactionary, she can be pragmatic but she doesn't fake enthusiasm. Seeing old school republicans like her talk about voting for Kamala with actual excitement, not merely as a vote against someone... I never thought I'd see the day. Got me incredibly amped up.
  21. Tim Heidecker is fucking hilarious, I love how he's been shitting on Joe Rogan and Bill Mauer with his youtube show. And his southern rock album about drinking piss is incredible:
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