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Posts posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. 2 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    Is A.I. regarded?

    For shits and giggles, I asked which school is better at football, and I got this.

    Every statement in the 3rd sentence is wrong, by a lot.  

    ChatGPT is better than bing:


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  2. I like how Aggy throws their other Heisman Trophy winner under the bus in that poll. Like, didn't John Caradine or whoever lead aggy to their first win ever at DKR and win a conference title and had a successful NFL career? Why would they thump their chest about Johnny Hitler over that?

  3. Do you fuck with it? I've been using Linux since the late 90's as my primary operating system and I can't believe how good modern Linux desktop is. Even though I mainly work on Linux machines, I've always had to keep around a Windows PC to play games. But within the last couple of years, Linux gaming has finally caught up. I looked around today and for the first time in my life, I realized I had no computers running Windows or Mac OS. I've gotten to the point where I don't even look up compatibility notes online anymore at protondb, I just buy PC games like I did with windows with the expectation they'll run in Linux automatically. Like I bought Baldur's Gate 3 a while back without even checking compatibility, and it totally ran fine. This was unthinkable even 10 years ago. It's also gotten pretty good about Web DRM. Used to be sites like Netflix and Hulu and such used to play very poorly with Linux, even if you were using Firefox or Chrome. But today they all work just fine, exactly as they would in Windows.

    What's your history with Linux been? Have you tried it lately? It's in a pretty good place these days.

  4. Steam Deck is one of the single best purchases I've made in the last 10 years. It's pretty amazing when you buy one, and actually get it, and suddenly have hundreds of games that weren't portable before, but suddenly are. Everyone raves about how well it performs and stuff, but to me, the best feature is the instant sleep function. It's what makes it actually killer. Press the button on the top, and it instantly goes to sleep, and press it again, and it instantly wakes up. And it does so anywhere -- in game, in menu, in a web browser. It's so fast that it makes it so you can lean on it and use the sleep function pretty liberally, unlike with like a laptop or tablet where it might take 5-10 seconds to actually sleep and wake up right. I keep my steam deck with me in a little backpack and take it out all the time when I got downtime, like on the bus and shit. It has made me actually able to play some of those monster long games that I'd always wanted to play, like Witcher 3, but never had time to sit down and actually devote a night to.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    Don't these sec hicks get tired of bad-mouthing the Horns?  I guess we should be flattered.....

    Post your Texas arrogance stories here…

    Posted on 8/13/23 at 7:34 am
    The University of Texas is known as one of the most arrogant schools in America and that is a rightfully earned reputation. 
    Back in 2019 when we were there for LSUs game against them we were enjoying a nice tailgate in a crowded area. We sort of meshed in with some Texas students/fans and were having a great time. After a while I asked them if they were coming to the game in Baton Rouge next year. They looked completely perplexed and I asked them why and they said they had no idea they’d have to come to Baton Rouge the following year. You could tell they were thinking this was similar to Rice coming to Texas, that it was an honor for us to be here or something. Never occurred to them LSU is it’s own proud institution that wouldn’t come to Texas without the expectation of a return trip.

    We (the LSU fans) had a really good laugh about that after the game.


    The best part is that the follow up game got cancelled.

    Also many times when Rice would play Texas, they'd reciprocate and have the game at Reliant, which we like because it gives us a nice game in Houston.

    LSU fans remain powerfully stupid

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