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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
I can't imagine what a fucking loser someone would have to be to follow a fucking loser like Ian Miles Cheong, legitimately one of the ugliest nerds on the internet. -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
Kyle should try to stand his ground on this issue, see what happens. -
cops will also go through your phone and delete evidence on them. So A) put a password on your phone, and B) use apps that livestream to youtube or twitch or something similar the moment you start recording. There are apps specifically setup to automatically upload and live stream police interactions, so they are immediately on a separate sever and can't be deleted.
eh. not that strong.
Of course the fucking pig goes to hug the kid. Dipshit, he's terrified of you, he doesn't want your hug. Get the fuck off the kid, you're a bad guy.
I'm well aware that it happens all the time. It's just that until it happens to you, it feels so far away, something that is obviously a problem but would never happen to you. I was a college senior, in the quieter suburban part of austin, a few days before finals. Never had any legal trouble in my life before that. I literally wasn't doing anything wrong, why should I worry about that shit? That was decades ago and I'm still furious about it. This kind of shit makes you hate the police forever. Whenever anybody tells me that if someone "just cooperates" I lose my shit. Police are corrupt fucking pigs. They're worse than gangs because at least gangs are upfront about what they are. Police are gangs with a superiority complex. Trashiest human beings with pure immunity. Over the years, I've seen APD fuck up over and over again in the news: remember when they tackled that little freshman girl for jaywalking? APD is honestly an awful police station, one of the worst in the country. Fuck them so hard. This shit is still so raw and visceral to me years and years later, it'll never fade. They put a life-long hatred of their kind into me, nobody else did. I will never, *EVER* trust a cop at his word, they're all lying fuckwits. Upside: This stuff has gotten me off of virtual every jury duty I've ever served on. Judge asks if there's a conflict of interest, I get to tell my story in front of the court and conclude with "and that's why I hate cops" and they always let me go.
When I was a student at UT, my senior year, a week before finals, I got mistakenly raided by the police in my apartment in north campus. I had just seen some friends out and was grabbing my keys to drive to Collie station for the Texas-Aggy baseball series finale, when a battery ram came through my door. Instantly a dozen of Austin's finest were on me with assault rifles in my face and zip ties around my hands. They told me "my boy" had "flipped" on me earlier the day and that "they knew I was hiding the stuff." I was living in an efficiency by myself, like a 200 sqft tiny box. They never told me exactly what they were looking for, only that it was "mountains of drugs." The main detective which was coordinating everything brought me outside and told me to just confess and make it easy on them, and I told him that, with due respect, I had seen a lot of movies and tv shows about police and I knew that in instances like that, even if I was innocent, I should keep my mouth shut until I have a lawyer with me. The guy slammed my head into the brick wall behind me, causing me to bleed, and told me that I could watch in silence while they fucked up everything (his words). So he brought me inside, and for 4 fucking hours, they destroyed my apartment. It was very clear within 10 minutes they had the wrong guy, but they didn't care. They obliterated my mini fridge, just pulled the door straight off. They cut holes in my couch cushions and pulled out all the padding. They cut holes into the walls, pulling out the sheet rock and insulation. They fucked up my bathroom sink and pulled out pipes and plumbing. They smashed my Xbox. They even fucking cut holes in my TV dinners so they'd spoil. So at this point, they're asking each other "want to fuck up his car?" and their superior is telling them "naw, our warrant won't allow this, let's just leave." So they all got up, and started to walk out. My place was completely destroyed, it looked like a hurricane had hit. I was obviously in the middle of a city area in Austin, it was like 8 pm and dark. I tell them as they're walking out, "Hey, what do I do? My door is off the hinge, I'm gonna get robbed like this" and they told me "you have duct tape under your sink, we saw it, just tape the door back up." One single cop took pity and took me aside and told me, "call your landlord, tell them we made a mistake, and she'll send someone out to fix the door." At this point, the entire apartment complex was outside my door, watching the cops. When they started to walk out, my neighbors booed them and offered to help me clean up. Dude from across the street said I looked like I was in shock and got me some water and a blanket. He walked me over to the landlord's office, which was still there, and told her what happened. The police found a single adderall pill in my apartment -- it was finals, sue me. They told me if I made a stink over them fucking up my apartment, they'd make a federal case out of it because I didn't have a prescription. They threatened to destroy me if I retaliated for them coming in and fucking up an innocent person's place. For fucking *MONTHS* after that, I was paranoid. I constantly worried about people just running into my place at any time, locks be damned. It sucked so fucking much. I hate APD with all my fucking heart, and fuck the police. I never had any problem with cops before that, but that single instance ruined police for me forever. When you're truly, seriously innocent and they come in like jackboot thugs and fuck your shit up and you can't do anything about it? Yeah, fuck off. This is why people hate the police, this is why "just cooperate" isn't a thing. ACAB. EDIT: Incidentally, my professors were cool as fucking shit about all this. The following monday I had a final exam and completely bombed it, I was so shaken. My professor noticed my final exam grad was way, way lower than all my other grades in the class and contacted me, and I told him what happened. He let me retake the exam a week later and told me to contact my other professors and student councilor and tell them what happened, and when I did they all worked with me to give me extra time to prepare for my finals. So luckily the cops didn't tank my final semester grades.
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2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
If you ever played an unofficially translated game before, like Secret of Mana 2, it came from here: https://www.romhacking.net/
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2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
A) I live in Texas and actually deeply care about the border issue, in that I don't think we have a fucking border issue at all and all this talk about "securing the boarder" is just an invented problem by republicans to begin with B) I recognize my views are an extreme minority, and that most people just don't care about the border *at fucking all*, either way. It's like not a thing people give a shit about, and letting the government grind to a halt over the issue is not something people want to happen. They will choose a meaningless, symbolic victory for the right, which will amount to a shitty couple of miles of chain link wall getting built, if it means the rest of the government keeps working, and concentrates on issues people care about. C) The alternative to me tanking the vote over A) is a trump hell hole where I'll have way, way more problems than my opinion on the border, and what will happen to the border will be much worse on top of everything. So *BECAUSE* my feelings are are strong on this issue, I'm willing to compromise on the vote to prevent something much, much worse from happening. I know how to pick and choose my battles, because I'm not a single minded moron. -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
Not to mention, there's a party running on obstructionism already: The republicans. There are so, so, sooooo many people out there in the country who are tired of extreme division and just want a functioning government that is willing to forego ideological purity for the sake of making the damn machine run again. We've basically been without a functioning government for 16 fucking years now, as politics has become a game of not letting the "wrong side" get victories. -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
!Left != Right -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
I thought the WNBA couldn't dunk -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
I saw someone say during the French 2-round elections that the first time you vote with your heart, the second time you vote with your brain. This is presumably what the primary system in America is supposed to be: vote for your ideological sweet heart during the primary, then get pragmatic and vote against what you definitely don't want in the general election. Well, nobody wants to run against Kamala. She's won the hearts of the democrats. So all that's left is to vote pragmatically. @chainsaw doesn't get this. This is the general election, you have to be general in your stances. Cast as wide a net as possible. Now is not the time to narrow your vision. Because the alternative is the exact opposite of what you or the majority of the people in this country wants. Wanting a narrow vote in the general election is how you get Trumpism, because there are a lot more weirdos who will vote for trump on principle than will vote for whatever darling leftwing single-issue stance you have. -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
Within the biden administration, her role was that as an advocate for Palestine, she was supposed to be the balance in the cabinet. She called for a more sympathetic ear towards Palestinians in gaza. I think her role honestly was perfunctory and merely to give the illusion of being balanced on the issue, but for better or worse she was positioned from the get go to be more on Palestine's side. That gives her immediately a little bit of starting cred with the disenfranchised gen z: she was the only person from the biden administration even remotely listening to the talk about Palestine. This will undoubtedly be the most difficult issue for her to navigate, especially since she has to look informed and well reasoned in her response. And it's not fair because Trump gets to basically say the worst, most offensive shit imaginable about palestine and it's a boost for him. But that's America in 2024. FWIW I think Kamala is going to be much more open to listening to Palestinians than any other option on the board, including Biden. -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
and yet none of them were born the last time A&M won a natty in any major mens sport
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
It also reminds him how there are very fine people on both sides. -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
looks like something aggyland outfitters would sell -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
"Another thing: Don't put in the paper that I'm weird. I'm not weird." -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
IDK. I think Fox News is still terrified of the $TEXAS dominion court ruling, I think they'll steer clear of anything that could be considered election fuckery. Newsmax, definitely, but fox is still all about money. -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
it's been happening for a while. There's an entire category of Tik Tok videos of cis-women being harassed in bathrooms by idiots. Transphobia doesn't just affect trans people. -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
Its already started. They called Joe Biden dropping out "cheating." Trump brings it up every time he talks, he thinks Biden dropping out should be against the rules, which should result in an automatic win. -
2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.
WelfareBuysMyWeed replied to bolverk's topic in Cloak Room
We are talking about Kamala Harris' current policy in the presidential campaign topic. Gargle my cum.
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