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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. This is an all-time texas team. What a fucking group. Hook em horns!!
  2. Sweat striking the heisman waa fucking awesome
  3. So Nebraska, in the midst of their 7th losing season in a row, decides their defense isn't just great, it's $3.2 million greater than they originally believed. A well deserved raise for the 5-7 huskers!
  4. That florida aint shit, and this helps prove the point.
  5. I love that we have a coach who will say "Fuck around and find out" after winning huge after being called out, rather than this dude:
  6. So for the entirety of his contract, Jimbo will be making 2-2.5 million more than Elko per year? LOL.
  7. The most interesting part is when someone asks where OU is on the list, and they're 76th. Meaning OU is one of the single most beneficial teams in all of sports from ref fuckery. Kinda puts into light their last several years in the big 12.
  8. There is absolutely no upside to playing these chumps. If Texas loses to any Big 12 team, it's a disaster. But that's not enough, merely beating these losers still knocks Texas points. The Big 12 sucks so fucking bad, that even wins are counted as losses. Perfect example is UH -- Texas didn't beat them "enough." Texas can be 12-1 Big 12 champions, and still get left out of the Playoffs, precisely because the competition in this joke league is so piss poor. Playing in the Big 12 is literally a negative. Fuck this conference so fucking much. "The best of the rest" is too optimistic for this two-bit circus.
  9. I just showed this to my 71 year old dad and he called them a word that would get you banned on surly.
  10. I remember UH fans being exactly as excited as A&M fans were about Jimbo regarding Holgo. Lmao.
  11. Stoops took one look at College station and said "that place is fucking weird" and promptly went back to fucking his sister.
  12. I miss this feeling, when the pulse of college football runs through your program, and every game matters because you're right in the thick of the hunt at the end of the season. The mid to late 2000s made college football so fucking fun because of how connected Texas was to all of the sport. Man I missed this so damn much. Eat it all up, today is glorious.
  13. Aggy shit themselves over the prospect of having to play texas.
  14. Im so happy we hired Sark. One hell of a pick up. I love that he wasnt a golden boy like herman. He was flawed coming in and has gotten better every year. The best is still to come. Herman peaked too soon.
  15. Last night feels like it was some sort of sweet dream. What a night for the university. Great things are happening.
  16. Looking like one of the best hires in school history so far.
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