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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. To clarify, that $70M was from ActBlue, which only accepts small dollar donations. Nothing in excess of like $1000. That $70M wasn't from elites, it was pure grassroots, $25-$100 a pop. That $70M wasn't a bunch of $500k donations, they were shitloads and shitloads of regular people pitching in small donations. The voting base is fired up.
  2. kinda seems more like they're just word-vomiting out the bullshit buzzword talking points they're being spoon fed from fox news without knowing what the fuck they're talking about or having any real point to make
  3. you two have 50,000 posts of bootlicking dumbshit between you two and you want to talk about exhausting bullshit? you post on forums like it's a fucking job.
  4. I know this shit shouldn't matter, but politics is just as much a popularity contest as any other, and looks matter. And with that said, Kamala has to be the best looking presidential candidate ever. She's genuinely attractive. Decades, and decades of advertising wisdom saying that beautiful people are winners, surely this has to help Harris. She doesn't just look decades younger than Trump, she makes him look like a lumpy half-filled burlap sack of horse shit.
  5. It can't be stated enough how gratifying this change in leadership is compared to what Trump did. Biden just willingly gave up the nomination for what he thought was best for the country. I don't know if I've ever seen another politician do this. It's especially in contrast to the way Trump pathetically and desperately tried to stay in power. If this election ever was about decorum and referrendum on behavior and willingness to heed to the will of the people, one party just showed me loud and clear that they're the party to vote for. I would have voted for Biden in a heartbeat, but this move honestly thrills me. I'm a Biden supporter who is *more* amped up because of this.
  6. Sports team politics. That guys doesn't give a fuck about any of the things he's complaining about, he's merely saying them because it scores points for his team. You cannot seriously be going on and on about a fucking "coup" and subverting the will of voters when you're banging the drum for Donald "January 5th" Trump. They see it as a chance to "steal a point back" on their stupid scoreboard, so they twist themselves into pretzels to try and mirror reality to offset it. Which is why it's pointless to even talk to dipshits like that, they don't believe in anything so there's nothing to be convinced.
  7. Can I say how fucking stupid and contradictory the term "DEI oligarchs" are. An oligarchy is exclusionary by fucking definition, how can you be a diverse and inclusive oligarch? You are a fucking moron.
  8. Slept on it, woke up and feel even better now. This is the only thing that could have possibly jolted the democrat's campaign. This is like sending in Major Applewhite in relief of Chris Simms. I don't care specifically that it's Kamala Harris, I'm just glad the democrats are doing anything they can to try and win this election, rather than just going on tradition in conventional wisdom. Times are changing, polls are misleading, and the stakes are too high to pussy foot around and not get nuts. I love the fight this is showing.
  9. We just saw what can happen in France when everyone unites behind someone they can vote for. Put aside the ego, all in on Harris 2024. Let's beat the fuck out of Trump!
  10. For many years, Nvidia's CUDA tools were great on Windows vs where they were on Linux. Things have largely leveled out, but only relatively recently, so you'll definitely have plenty of people who used windows who worked in CC. Scientists working in big data visualization would have definitely worked with windows within the last 10 or so years.
  11. I actually think it's a really good thing mostly that being able to use a computer has gotten so dumbed down that my 71 year old near-illiterate mother can use a laptop now. A lot of modern interface requires people use technology to communicate, like email is an official government form of communication for many years now. I especially think it's generally a good thing that there are such abstracted high level programming languages out there now that there are programmers who don't know how their computers work, because knowledge of the gear head ins and outs of your computer is pretty much useless for the vast majority of people. Yes, very basic maintenance and troubleshooting skills should be necessary, but going back to the comparison about cars: I know jack shit about how my car works. Cars don't interest me in the least. A car is just a tool to lug my ass from point A to point B. I don't care about cars, don't follow car makers or models or any of that shit. I only buy cash beaters and drive them till they disintegrate because I have other shit in my life that I want to consume my time with than cars. I know so much about computers, because I wasn't spending my time working on cars. I was suggesting to someone a method to automate breaking into harddrives using a 3rd party tool installed on a non-standard medium to an IT guy who needs to quickly do this on likely hundreds of computers over the next several days, so speed counts. That's definitely not the equivalent of knowing your car needs gas. I'd say maybe being able to follow directions telling you to jam F7 as you boot to get into a menu, then specifically what to click and where to go, that would be the basic computer skills most need and actually do possesses if they aren't being whiny bitches. The benefit of computers and shit becoming so easy to use that laymen can operate them is that you're not having computer experts reach beyond their field. I give an example from when I first started my own business, I got work from a doctor who wanted me to build him this custom productivity software for his clinic. He had a bunch of menial tasks in his day to day operation and he wanted them all automated and put into a database to be called up. The kind of shit he described was incredibly simple to make, so most of my time on the project amounted to me following this dude around, trying to osmosis his routine well enough that I could fart out the app he needed. The dude was already an expert in what he needed, it's just that creating the very simple app he needed was a little too complex for him. Not because he couldn't grasp it -- he was a doctor and thus can follow procedure well. Rather, he didn't have the time to acquire such skill. The world is better when experts can craft the tools they need, not reliant on magicians who know the right incantations. Designing the app that doctor wanted could have been a drag and drop experience if the right tools existed. I would say this crowdstrike shit is less an example of people not knowing how their computers work, and more like people not being very diligent with obvious security vectors.
  12. If you weren't phone phreaking were you really ever living?
  13. That reminds me of this joke. There's these two dudes, and they see this dog licking its nads, and so, uh, they say, "Why does it do that?" And then the one dude goes, "Uh, because he can." And then he says, "Well, maybe you oughta pet him first." So--so why does he lick his nads then? Because he can. Get it? Not really. I mean, anybody can lick a dog's nads. So what?
  14. might I suggest alternate fix 3: use a linux live USB. From there, you can mount your raid configuration directly and make your changes far more easily than disassembling a laptop to get to the drive, and you don't run into admin problems. You could even setup the live usb to run a bash script at boot to automate the fix, so it'd be something you just pop into a computer, boot into, get a prompt for the bitlocker key, then reboot. I have a couple of servers in RAID0 and RAID1 configurations, and I've had to do this before when rebuilding the raid arrays went wonky. A live USB is a life saving tool in IT.
  15. Depends on if they use crowdstrike and windows. Those aren't the only two options. There are other companies for security besides crowdstrike, and much of the business world runs on linux. But it's also not just your company, it's who they interact with as well. There are also rollback softwares which can undo this immediately. Those can probably be deployed very quickly. There might be regulatory reasons why your company might require the latest security updates. Tl;dr: too many variables to tell.
  16. It's not that this is nefarious, it's just how it fucked up that makes it such a pain. The root of the problem is a dll which is loaded at windows boot is causing a memory error that crashes the entire system. It's not hard to fix, just remove the dll and windows will boot like normal. Nothing is destroyed, it's just in a bootlock. Unfortunately, the way windows works, is that you have to use windows to remove the dll or stop it from loading, which you normally can't do because the dll is preventing windows from loading in the first place. The correct solution is to use a special mode called Safe Mode, which prevents any non-critical components (basically any dll) from being loaded at windows boot, specifically so you can fix this stuff. Problem is that getting to safe mode and knowing which dll to delete is above the capability of most people, and on sufficiently important systems, access to safe mode would be restricted to administrators anyways. It's a super easy fix, but it's a pain in the ass to do specifically because of how windows works, so people are going to have to lug their asses physically in front of these computers to make the change. And that takes time. Once it's fixed, it's like nothing ever happened. Nothing is permanently broken. It's just a stupid update that pushed a small piece of code that has memory errors, normally a routine thing but in this specific circumstance a huge problem. It's not nefarious, it's just shitty administrating by lots of these companies. Ideally, you wouldn't just push updates to your critical systems the moment they roll out. You'd sandbox them, test them in a controlled environment, then deploy the update to your system, for this very reason. This isn't really a huge, evil attack. It's more like shitty IT and code deployment in the worst spot. Don't attribute malice where incompetence will do.
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