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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. you can still blame microsoft for the stupid shit way they handle dynamic linking, which is the root of this problem. On any sane OS, this would not bring the entire system to its knees.
  2. imagine if Arizona meets K-State or Baylor meets Utah in a bowl game. In Mexico. In the All-state 12.
  3. I played Bill Walsh's college football on the Sega CD a few days back and beat the ever loving shit out of Nebraska with '81 Texas.
  4. One thing i like seeing pointed out is that the videos of people cheering, everybody is dressed like a normal person. In all the videos where people are upset, they look like too skinny 20 year olds with huge ears cosplaying as executives in tacky blazers. Like this but completely played straight:
  5. This video is fucking incredible, I keep watching it and focusing on a different person each time. The simultaneous change from anguish to joy across the sea of people is the best shit in the world. Bottle this up, lets fucking GOOOOOO.
  6. Those are things they do service, because it runs from a power pole to a central point of connection. Regular people aren't supposed to remove those, you need either the power company or the cable company to remove those. What is being discussed are cable lines running along your house, like exterior wiring to separate outlets. As in wiring from the central point of connection to other spots on the house. Stuff like this:
  7. damn straight they did. I feel more pumped up today than I've felt in years. I'm ready to vote trump away forever.
  8. it seriously is. Not necessarily FOR any party, but definitely AGAINST the RN. It's staggering how fucking awful do you have to be to get so many picky leftists to coalesce, but the RN did it.
  9. The video going around of the crowd at Stalingrad erupting into cheers then everyone sobbing ugly tears of joy is giving me life, especially compared to the RN rally.
  10. A nail driven through your roof doesn't leak until you remove the nail unless it was installed incorrectly. Hence why your roof doesn't leak when you install shingles. I installed roofs with my broher throughout highschool every summer as a job.
  11. naw, they're mostly discussing the pros and cons of 18-20 year old men and the occasional highschool boys.
  12. The Millennium Falcon is probably the most famous fictional space craft around, but it's a piece of shit. It's constantly called a hunk of junk in the series and the entire thing about its exploits is that it's surprising how it survives and gets the job done. It's pretty much an icon of Star Wars at this point, even more so than things like the X-wing. Trek starships tend to be entirely different kind of ships, much larger and generally not built for combat or running, but more like giant space hotels slowly drifting through space. But there is one Star Trek ship that stands up to the millennium falcon and is so much more badass in the context of their shows: The USS Defiant. Everything about the Defiant is badass, down to the name. The name itself is a summary of what the entire ship was about. Fuck star fleet protocols, fuck playing fair, the defiant is a ship built for war that explicitly uses forbidden technology. In Star Trek, basically all the enemy vessels have the ability to cloak which renders them invisible. For various reasons, Star Fleet forbids using cloaking technology, and this becomes a real hindrance in multiple wars. The defiant explicitly was built in black ops to use this forbidden tech, it's the first Star Fleet ship that can cloak. And holy shit do they use that cloak to fuck. shit. up. The Defiant is the MVP of the entire Dominion war. More than any other ship, it fought the battles. Before that, it fought the borg. Captain Worf once was going to use the Defiant to ram a borg cube, killing both the borg and worf at the same time, until the Enterprise-E intervened. The defiant flat out makes other species in Star Trek afraid. Where the Falcon is constantly shit on in the Star Wars universe, in Star Trek, the Defiant is deadly serious. One of my favorite moments in the show is when Sisko starts to finally turn back the tide of the Dominion war, and give this little speech about how it's time they turn to their secret weapon. He walks out of the room and says loudly, "THE DEFIANT" in a triumphant moment. From that moment on, you know it's gonna be something special. Star Trek has tons, and tons of space ships. But realistically, outside of the Enterprise and maybe Titan (and I guess Cerritos thanks to Lower Decks), most people couldn't name another federation ship in Trek EXCEPT The Defiant. The Defiant is basically the only Trek warship in our universe/timeline. What a beast. Best ship in both series. The Millennium Falcon is a piece of shit.
  13. So the totally rough tough real stuff texum aggy military school students have never heard of "taps" before? Neither A&M nor Texas made up those songs, dumbass, they go back to the 1830s. Aggy plays taps super slow and very stupidly, Texas plays it fast because why the fuck would you play taps even slower?
  14. If you call ATT or whoever and ask them to come trim your old cable wiring and remove old boxes, they'll laugh at you and tell you to do it yourself. They will not maintain old cable, especially considering that could have been laid by a different company. It's the onus of the owner of the place to remove old cable and boxes (and dishes) when they switch service, not the cable providers. This is, in fact, not them just being a lazy dick, but for insurance liability problems. They don't want to get sued for creating holes in your roof or whatever.
  15. In college, a bunch of my friends invited me to a Big Lebowski convention where everyone was gonna dress up like the dude and other characters. I told them I had never seen the movie before and they immediately made me sit down and watch it. That was over 20 years ago now, and I must have seen this a hundred times since. All time great, I crack up every time John Goodman dumps Donny's ashes all over The Dude.
  16. He was always a poor substitute for Wendy's guy anyways.
  17. whats with the diet Arizona State logo on the right?
  18. I heard the Dave South call live on the radio surrounded by aggys. It was fucking glorious.
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