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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. Michigan state has a natty in a major sport since the invention of the enigma machine during world war 2. Aggy is way worse.
  2. "6th most watched game that day!" Like, damn, that's pretty poor for a UT game.
  3. I remember, the year after the title game, the co-op sold a box set called "The Season" that was every game in the season synced up to the Craig Way radio broadcasts, including the title game. It cost like $900 so as a broke-ass student I couldn't afford it, and I've never seen it for sale since. I would kill to get my hands on that box set, or at least some rips of the games. You can find every game from the season online with the TV announcers, but not the craig way ones.
  4. That was apparently from the ABC game broadcast post-game interview. This is what ESPN was broadcasting at the same time.
  5. The same year Texas launched the LHN, Kansas State sold it's T3 football rights to an online streaming service (which, admitted, was incredibly forward thinking albeit maybe 5 years too early). It has nothing to do with the sport played or any of that. It's all about money. Simply put, nobody else's T3 rights were worth anywhere near Texas' T3 rights, regardless of sport.
  6. This fucking rules, I had never seen this before. This is footage of ESPN the night of the title game, starting with the periodic updates they were cutting into on other programming. Begins with basically "USC is 6 minutes away from becoming the first team to win 3 national championships in a row." The stunned voices in the final update are worth watching:
  7. This isn't true at all. Texas first approached the conference about making a Big 12 network, and it was the other schools that balked. Texas then went to Aggy about an All-Texas network, and Aggy balked. Texas literally tried to get everyone on board, and everyone said no. Then they got pissed when Texas went and did it by themselves. Texas is very, very good at making money. Dodds very much saw an avenue to spin the Big 12's straw into gold. The fucking rubes around the conference were more interested in pissing into their own mouths.
  8. gotta say Juicy is like the perfect representative of his stupid shit crooked university ITT. Absolutely no dignity at all.
  9. Barry Switzer approves whole heartedly of Michigan's schemes. University of Oklahoma at Ann Arbor.
  10. It's fucking pathetic when the announcers have to chime in and say "remember, we're not rooting for any specific team" multiple times during the broadcast because even they are aware of how hard they're pulling against Texas.
  11. Yes, texas made him piss himself in lincoln in the final meetup.
  12. Police dont go to third ward. Cougar high is in a literal ghetto.
  13. Have you forgotten that texas a&m is a womens basketball school??
  14. Oh yeah, i knew what tbi is. My grandpa didnt have a tbi, but he had alzheimer's and basically reverted into being an infant again. My own dad had to do the kind of stuff you describe, it was simultaneously devastating and beautiful to watch. Obviously its so sad what is going on, but seeing a son love and protect and take care of their father just like their father did to them when they were young and vulnerable is witnessing what makes humans special. That you are there for your dad now is evidence that he was a good man in how he raised you. Im sure your mom is incredibly proud of you, and she should be. One thing to remember: you dont need higher level brain function to understand and feel love. Even dogs can understand love. Your dad 100% can feel your love to him, and im sure it means everything.
  15. Im genuinely sorry for your dads condition. That honestly sounds heart breaking. You sound like a good son.
  16. Look it was an ugly win, whatever. I can tell who does and doesnt live in houston in this topic, because being able to tell this citys loser fanbase to kiss my ass forever feels fucking great, no matter how it happened. They will be mad about this shit for eeeeever. Fuck them. Nobody chirps more than cougar high. They are aggy with astonishingly less accomplishment.
  17. I like how they had to, multiple times during the game, say "btw we arent fans of any specific teams, we just like good plays." Eat shit losers.
  18. You are correct brando, uh and big 12 are perfect for each other. Symmetrical bitches.
  19. Its too bad cougar high doesnt play clear creek. Itd be a good warm up for the wildcats.
  20. Im sure he had an actual reason for doing it. Im just saying when sark is angry, hes fucking terrifying. He looked like he was gonna take a swing at the dude and had serial killer eyes. And im 100% ok with that, to clarify.
  21. Whatever. I will say that interview sark is very clearly not the real sark, hes obviously a high strung asshole in private. Remember when he blew up at that bowl official for touching his chest before they ran out onto the field and the cameras caught him going nuclear on the dude, screaming "get your hands off me motherfucker"? Sark has actually mastered coach speak.
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