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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. I hope arch gets some time today. Football royalty should get some time to laugh at college football's shortest jesters.
  2. Wouldnt be a uh student, though. They dont know their 1-2-3s.
  3. Caca is at least useful as fertilizer. Uh is cancer.
  4. They should break tim brandos fingers for saying hook em
  5. Sorry. This is gonna be a smoooooooooooooth buttfucking.
  6. Tim brando makes beth mowan sound like keith jackson.
  7. Does UH really care about their football coach? They deeply, deeply care about playing daddy texas. Uh fans are thr biggest fucking bitches in the world about ut, cause they're the students who were behind the students who went to ut for their entire lives. I hope their fanbase gets heartburn over this.
  8. Im being 100% serious, absolutely no exaggeration, i was in a magnet program that let me take math and comp sci classes at uh in the 4th and 5th grade. Calling it cougar high is actually a compliment, that "school" is literally easy enough for elementary school kids to pass.
  9. I know some cougar high alumni who i really hope are watching this beat down, but i doubt they could get the shift off from jack in the box to watch a day game.
  10. College of the mainland has better academics than cougar high.
  11. Houston is honestly the fucking trashiest campus ive ever been to. And its not the low income surrounding it, its the human garbage they have littering the school grounds.
  12. Get fucked cougar high. Fuck your garbage school and especially fuck your d-list, 8th choice, d-average, full fupa fanbase. Uh fans are fucking garbage and should be eliminated from the face of the earth and their shitty ghetto campus burned to the ground.
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