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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. And did you know if you look at the series from 1988 week 7 onward, Texas A&M has a winning in-conference record overall!
  2. Brent took over a team that was in the college football playoffs before, and were a dynasty in the conference, then promptly produced their first losing season in a decade and half. Sark took over what you are claiming was the worst stretch in UT history and has us with our highest ranking in 15 years. And prior to that, Sark took over teams like the 0-12 Huskies. Your sooner education is showing because the situations aren't equivalent at all.
  3. You think a 2% winning percentage difference, "isn't as bad" and "much better" than team which hasn't suffered such losses in an entire generation? No, that's literally a margin of error difference. It's a fucking push. You get a 55 out of a 100 on a test, you don't go around arguing that you deserved 2 percent better, because you still fucking got an F. The difference is negligible. OU in the 90's is statistically just as bad as Texas was in the last several years. They were both grade-F football teams. Only difference? Texas is clearly on the upswing, and OU just walked away from a 49-0 bitch slapping. OU sucked complete dick before, and they will again. History and statistics say you can fucking book it.
  4. Ou went 77-58 from 1988 to 1999, a winning percentage of 57.03%. Texas discussed went 83-65 from 2010 to 2022, a winning percentage of... 56.08% Yes, OU was very recently just as dog shit as the worst stretch in UT history. Sorry if you dumbfucks can't remember that far back. I was in highschool when OU was considered absolute putrid shit. We're not talking some 70-years ago or anything, we're talking about within our lifetimes.
  5. Yes, it was as bad as being portrayed. OU had a 12 year drought of conference titles between 1988 and 2000. They were exactly as limp dicked as is being advertised. It's merely recency bias to think otherwise.
  6. And let's not talk about losing 8 games in a season, multiple times in a row. Texas has NEVER been that shitty in my entire lifetime. You're talking about going back almost 70 years to find a year Texas lost 8 in a season, and going back to the 19-fucking-30's to find a second, something OU did twice in the span of 2 years. No, Texas has never been the dumpster fire that OU was in the 90's. Not even fucking close.
  7. A 5 win season is a 5 win season, multiple of the "losing seasons" you quote from texas were 5 fucking win seasons. So what you're saying, really, is that in an 8 year stretch, OU had the exact same number of 5 win seasons as Texas had in a 13 year stretch. 5 seasons with only 5 fucking wins is a dumpster fire, especially if they come in a much more compact window.
  8. OU can and will suck complete ass for extended periods of time, don't go sucking off that sooner prick to make him feel better about his shitty 49-0 team. They wandered most of the 90's looking like limp dicked losers much more likely to win 5 games a season rather than 9. This abso-fucking-lutely could be the start of an extended down period for those bitches up north. Remember how Texas had an all-world AD who couldn't miss for 15 years, until all of the sudden he was a huge liability.
  9. don't be stupid, they will still root against Texas even when Texas in the SEC. Like you said, aint like they got shit else to do and I'm pretty sure Texas being in the SEC isn't going to make the average tech student's rejection letter from Texas sting any less.
  10. All I can say is Sark has made Texas football fun to watch like it hasn't been in almost a decade and a half. I love where the Horns are right now and fully expect the program to continue to improve. Also best thing about Sark being worthy of the hype as an offensive guru is that we don't have to worry about an offensive coordinator being stolen away to HC some school and our offense suddenly regressing. We finally have stability on that side of the ball, for the first time since the Mack Brown glory years.
  11. I honestly would have expected those trailer trash hill billies to like the slop that is skyline chili
  12. Wow so if the exact opposite of what happened, happened, then the outcome would have been different? Are you an analyst cause you shouldn't waste this genius talent of yours.
  13. Remember when the Big 12 won conference realignment and were better off with Texas and OU leaving and Baylor was going to be a new big boy player in a big boy conference?
  14. fucking regarded announcer: "This series as of late has been dominated by Baylor. You go back 10 years, and texas only has 1 more win than baylor!"
  15. If you really wanted to make it take off, have the focus shift from the games and teams themselves, to the announcers. Turn the announcers, the ones who go to the games and "react" live, into the show. GIve them big names and big personalities, let them star on shows. Have them be incredibly, openly partisan, and also have them gamble. So people would follow their favorite football reactionaries, not just because they are big and flashy and showy, but because following their bets earns them money. "I"m pulling super hard for Texas to win this week because BigCockRon is all in on Oklahoma and I want to wipe the grin off his face." And so a season is less about following the teams, but rather following the announcer on which specific games they personally attend. "Ohhhh sick, BigCockRon is going to USC Notre Dame this year!"
  16. I was there too, and it was definitely a happy memory for me. It was just about the only time until Sam showed up that I felt confident about out QB. Too bad his head coach was Charlie fucking Strong.
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