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Everything posted by WelfareBuysMyWeed

  1. excuse me they went 10-1 in 2020 are you forgetting the spring game??
  2. Why would a lesser percentage of women have rings than men? Women have been outpacing men in graduation rates for over a decade now.
  3. What a garbage conference top to bottom. I'm going to enjoy watching the MW leap frog them when BYU fucks up. Make the Big 12 into G6.
  4. I have done research work using EEGs, so no, I don't spend my free time, I spend my professional time studying them. Why do you spend your free time talking about subjects you are completely ignorant of?
  5. This shows me how fucking little you've researched this. Yes, there have been tons of people who only played football in college who had CTE, there are thousands of cases studied. Owen Thomas played at Penn and committed suicide his junior year of college and was found to have extensive CTE.
  6. that was some great clock management by florida at the end.
  7. did spiking the ball take away their first down yardage? lol
  8. pretty smart for your 3rd string yale transfer qb to put his shoulder down and try to run over a defender.
  9. It's wild how good Chase is at playing a lovable affable goof, which is the exact opposite of his real life personality. If he was anything like the characters he played, he'd be beloved in Hollywood.
  10. yeah, I know all about how Chevy Chase sucks. It's just funny they got two of the three amigos, like Chase being left out of those commercials feels very noticeable lol. It's a shame because Chevy Chase was the funniest of the three IMO.
  11. Went over to my dad's last night, we're now on the last 5 episodes of DS9. We saw "Strange bedfellows" last night. I'm gonna go back today and tomorrow and we'll finish the series. I forgot how fucking awesomely evil Kai Winn is during these last few episodes, she's repugnant. I always thought leaving Gul Dukat as a blind beggar on Bajor would have been a much better fate for him.
  12. Steve martin and martin short doing commercials together and not a hint of Chevy Chase's bitch ass anywhere.
  13. It sure would be nice if Georgia shit the bed here today`
  14. tom herman is this dude, he undoubtedly did something stupid
  15. The Bush family hates Trump, remember what he did to Jeb? W is also on record as telling Michelle Obama that Trump's inauguration was "some weird shit." W without a doubt is not voting for Trump. He should man up and tell people.
  16. this reminds me of that town hall meeting he did with a bunch of CEOs where he called him "Gavin Newscum" and the interviewer interrupted, "newsome" and Trump didn't get that he was calling him out. He started laughing and was like "this is the first time anybody has corrected me, I know his name" and the interviewer was saying "It's just that there's a crowd of CEOs out here who would be ousted immediately for referring to a rival CEO like that" and Trump didn't get it. He wasn't correcting him because he thought Trump didn't know his name, he was correcting his decorum and Trump was clueless as hell.
  17. ranch dip at a restaurant? I'll dip chips in ranch at home, but I don't think I've ever done that at a restaurant. I always go for the queso with beef.
  18. I honestly can't believe this message isn't banged about more. It's not a policy issue at stake, this is a referendum on democracy itself. One candidate wants to continue our political system of peaceful transfer of power going forward. The other is vowing to dismantle it and replace it with an authoritarian implementation. He says it'll be the last time we ever have to vote. He already started riots over this. He said he should be able to serve more than two terms. This isn't about the economy, or immigration, or any of that shit. More fundamentally, this is an election on whether the USA as we know it continues to exist or gets replaced with a defacto dictatorship. This is fucking scary.
  19. She really is, she sucks. During covid, my mom was undergoing chemotherapy so the family had agreed to isolate extra hard in the weeks leading up to christmas so we could spend it together safely. Days before christmas, my sister threw her in-laws a christmas party with like 200 people showing up, most from out of state. All covid-deniers so no masks or anything. Basically, a super spreader party, while my mom was undergoing chemo. My parents had to tell her that she couldn't come over for christmas, and it was a huge, ugly deal. And it's like... what a fucking asshole. Even if you don't believe in covid and all that shit, my mom clearly does, so she couldn't miss her shitty christmas party for one fucking year for my mom? My mom was bald and frail and spent christmas sobbing because my sister chose covid-denial over seeing her sick mother. My sister is a selfish bitch. That's the great thing, she's a hypocrite. She was a pothead in college and her husband *still* has a coke problem. Ironically, if they had heard I'd had been mistakenly raided for having shitloads of weed at my place, they probably would have been like "yo can I break some off?"
  20. My sister is an evangelical christian. Without rustling feathers, lying to her kids is an integral part of her raising them. I don't mean that just as a sleight on religion, she very openly is honest about distorting the truth to "protect" her kids from things she doesn't think they should know about. Like school shootings? Her kids flat out don't know about those, they think the drills are all hypothetical. My mom was taking care of my nephew once and mentioned something about a recent shooting and was shocked to learn about how they're cut off from that kind of news. She's the "all kinds of music except country music contains devil subliminal messages" kind of person that has her kids terrified of accidentally hearing rap music. She lies to them about their race. Their father is adopted and of course that's a HUGE no no secret, they can NEVER learn that. She's a vaccine denier, she tells her kids all sorts of ignorant horror stories about vaccines. The amount of shit my sister lies to her kids about honestly astounds me, it's such a shitty and disrespectful way to treat her own kids. One day her kids are going to learn the truth about all this stuff and they'll hopefully never trust her opinions on shit again.
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