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Everything posted by animaltobacco11

  1. I'm in a men's group that meets once a week at 6am and we drink coffee, eat breakfast and talk about our lives, and yes we will talk about a biblical passage or spiritual journey, and pray for each other and then...the next week we will meet and drink coffee and see if things are better or worse. I have work friends I travel with and spend time with and we relate to corporate mechanisms and I have old college buddies we have nostalgia and football, but the above relationships are the most integral for me and keep me sane and grounded and able to do the hard work with the best mindset and attitude necessary for this world and this life. Growing up I always thought it was weird when ancient old men would gather at a McDonald's to only drink coffee at first light. I get it now.
  2. That's insane. My kids private school has mandatory community service hours starting in middle school and yes of course in high school, as a way to encourage (in a compulsory manner) civic duty and sacrifice and humility to give back to your community, etc., but that's also because as a private school you can have that be part of your mission and values. For public school this is an overstep. Arkansas be crazy.
  3. Post a pic that makes you barf, more like it.
  4. I think the downplaying is to a) strengthen the narrative and mythos of our origin story (e.g. scrappy, tough-as-nails underdog against all odds, etc.) and b) Hamilton actually touched on it well-- to downplay the debt owed to France being obligated and beholden to help them out for in-kind aid.
  5. The New Yorker has a write up that is interesting as this thing has been in the dog days of Summer: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/notes-on-hollywood/scenes-from-hollywoods-hot-labor-summer
  6. Was this the Dara/Storyline you are talking about?
  7. I mean ChiSox fans are all Southside Chicagoans right? Seems par for the course.
  8. How can you discern anything from that where's waldo video?
  9. Not sure how I missed this thread, but love crosswords. I don't do the NYT, but guessing I should try it. I do The New Yorker crossword, as it goes from hard to easy, M-F. Mondays and Tuesdays I'll usually get a couple answers and just shut it down. Wednesdays (moderately hard) if I can complete the puzzle which has happened once or twice, it's a huge win for me. Thursdays are very easy and beginner friendly so I always finish those. Fridays are a theme. And I never google. It's either I know it or I don't and it's an honor code with the man in the mirror.
  10. The demon of alcohol for sure. Thanks for posting the link, great read. This guy was an absolute beast and amazing to watch and like everyone else, I was so sure he was going to be the next Derrick Johnson as far as making an impact in the NFL at the LB position. Tragedy after tragedy, some self-imposed, some less than. It's really sad and encouraging to read this though and I'm rooting for him and wish him all the success in coaching.
  11. I don't think it's the pure average when calculating raw population of Texas (I think its $50k/person last I read in Texas, so $100k if doubled), but for our (surly posters, college educated, middle aged professionals) network/peers, which is what the conversation was revolving around, yes. Absolutely.
  12. The bullpen is the weakest link of the team we've always known that, but I think what we are seeing is what happens when the offense regresses back to the mean and can't wallpaper over the warts of the worst bullpen in the AL (though the Twins and Mets both seemed to have crappy bullpens too). It feels like every offensive player not named Seager and Lowe is a crapshoot right now. I don't think they are playing with a lot of confidence lately. I'll characterize it like this; every time we are in a close or tied game, I am afraid that the opposing team can take us yard any given pitch while at the same time have zero confidence we will do the same. We will take pitches and walk or get a seeing eye single and try to manufacture runs, but the extra base hits feel like a relic of the first half. I started feeling this way acutely when the Brewers great pitching was mowing us down which is somewhat understandable, but even the crappy bullpens we can't hit now.
  13. I'm your Huckleberry, if you want to place that wager a la the closeto brothers.
  14. Thanks for this, Johnnie-O is my favorite polo these days
  15. I watched The Shining in 2019. By that age, it wasn't scary to me and I appreciated the Key & Peele skit and understood it.
  16. The app scares me, so I'm sure the movie is too scary for me. I couldn't watch 1/20th of the movies talked about on here.
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