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Everything posted by animaltobacco11

  1. I think eventually the tide is going to turn and people will behave like you do. You already see the fatigue with the "round up" for charity or what have you which I recently read about. Most people are just over it. "Round up" initiatives — requests for another buck or two to donate to a charitable cause when you make a purchase — have proven extremely effective, with donations jumping 24% in three years to more than $749 million. But consumer enthusiasm is waning, reports The Wall Street Journal, citing an Accelerist survey. Some customers have been annoyed by being automatically enrolled in recurring donations they didn't mean to sign up for, while others simply want more control over where their charitable giving goes.
  2. I feel like this a needless doubling down. Just admit you were overwhelmingly likely wrong, and were overly confident and sure in your denigrating of others, and just move on. I mean, nobody is a chess insider (except that guy who just gave us pretty good context for the whole situation) and we all talk out of our rear end from time to time, so there is no shame directed at you.
  3. That's what I meant earlier when acknowledging that, and most servers agree, one of the benefits of the tip model is a) instant liquidity and TVM and b) the ability to be tax clever. That's not to say be a cheat or tax evasion, but there are levers to pull for tax avoidance I hear.
  4. Read today that Disney (of course, Disney is historically a great for-profit ran business) was absolutely screwing people over with Hollywood accounting:
  5. The Five Night at Freddy's movies is going to be a big time Halloween movie this year.
  6. Couldn't find the perfect thread for this, but this is really cool and geeky: https://hellomattstevens.com/good-movies-as-old-books Some of my favorites:
  7. We won't microwave anything on plastic or bpa these days, due to you know, plastics melting and eating it. But it's crazy how much we did growing up. Today I cringe thinking of hot coffee in sytrofoam and what you are ingesting, but we didn't think twice of biting the styrofoam cups and chewing them and spitting it out as a kid.
  8. Not only that, but it's transparent. Tipping is like the dealership model of car buying. Just list the price of the vehicle and let me decide to buy it or not. List the price of food similarly.
  9. This is a horror story. So it's probably correct, given our luck. Plus, this is one (of many) ways that TCU embarrassing themselves on the biggest stage last year might provide for unintentional consequences and the committee going with blue chips who lost to themselves who they know will be competitive versus one of the dark horses going undefeated.
  10. I want to preface this with I've been rooting for you since day one and following and everytime you specifically bump this I'm hoping it's a good news update we can all celebrate. And maybe it's exhaustion and frustration speaking, after all you are only a man, but have you considered that maybe it's that attitude which is subconsciously carrying over to how you are communicating in meetings that are closing doors? If you think these companies and jobs are stupid and you are better than them and it's "pathetic", but you are pinching your nose and applying anyways, why would you not think that might come across? Again, there was nothing egregious about that job post. It was more than fine and did a good job of communicating the role and responsibilities using a limited amount of space. Maybe you and Biff should go be fly fishing instructors or reconstruct antique furniture or some other passion project if the normalized culture of sufficiently sized organizations bothers you that much?
  11. If you've seen the referenced movie, you will understand that the guy who has never been more sure of anything in his life, was completely and humorously wrong. Similairly, I'm poking fun that, despite my spicy proclamation, there's a high chance I'm wrong. But this is the thread of hate, so I'm not sorry for the spicy take and 100% rooting for the Astros to embarrassingly choke even if it's based purely on the emotion of my being an anti-fan than in any relevant data inputs or past patterns. Capice, Antonio?
  12. Hindsight being 20/20, but this is a pretty prescient take. I think the laymen (which is everyone on these 3 pages) have the appeal to authority fallacy going on where we hear that Magnus is a prodigy and genius, which means he's probably right about everything, and thus everyone anchored on this guys bad sportsmanship disguised as chess knowledge we can't understand.
  13. @axiom of foundation and @Samson's Wig please come accept our apologies.
  14. Looks like you were wrong Looks like you were right. Poor guy had the entire world thinking he put things in his butt to cheat. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66647445
  15. Astros have, by a far and wide margin, the easiest schedule remaining of the 3 teams, and will still somehow choke. Like Walter said, I've never been more certain of anything in my life.
  16. Sorry, I somehow missed this and not sure why we need to throw around aspersions when having a discussion, but no that's not what I want. What I am saying is: The ideal approach is to take the average hourly rate that your daughter makes and deems worth doing the job for and give that dollar amount and do away with the tipping. $25/hour and no tips, for example, or whatever it is. I think we all agree that this will never happen because while restaurant owners will try to push that cost on diners, restaurant owners probably can't increase prices to where they need to be for us to bear the full cost and remain competitive or reasonable, and will have to eat some of it. Pun intended and owners won't generally want to do this. The current approach: $2.13/hr + tips (20-25% being the socially acceptable standard). This has your daughter and her peers making some number of money that they deem acceptable which you've implied is much higher than $15/hour. If servers/society wants to change the server/diner model and offer: $15/hr + tips, then my argument is that the socially acceptable standard should be lowered from the 20-25% to keep servers making the money they currently deem acceptable, whatever that is. The diners/consumer ought to be given the option to, by paying the listed menu price for the food on a menu, happily accept the restaurant owner footing the cost of the living wage for their employees versus the diner.
  17. Stros absolutely have the easiest schedule and ours isn't great.
  18. Atos or CapG? If memory serves she was a junior consultant, right?
  19. Today is the day we bust out of this weird funk and don't look back.
  20. Seriously though, do men wear pajama pants outside of like, Christmas eve or Holiday Christmas photos or something? Or is it a gay person and aesthetic thing? Like a 3 piece suit.
  21. What are pajama pants? You mean the same 3 gym shorts I've had for 20 years?
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