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Everything posted by animaltobacco11

  1. What was the story with T.Y. Hilton? He signed a half a year contract and is an FA right now? That was a fun feel good story last year.
  2. Yea that's horrible, I was thinking you meant 2 incomes and one $1000/payment and one paid off or low payment vehicle.
  3. Here is a hot stock tip from your friend George Costanza: Hugging Face is hiring like crazy right now, and if you can get in, it's a pretty solid lottery ticket to 7 figures of equity vested over 4 years or at a liquidity event. I heard from a friend they raised $450 from IBM this week, $200 from Salesforce last week, and they are about to explode.
  4. Anything new out that's any good? Not really feeling anything right now.
  5. For those on the last page considering Wake-- a family member went there (granted for MBA and employer-paid) and said it sucked. The college life/social life was very weak and lame, compared to a UNC, UVA, etc. where you still get a great education and modicum of prestige, if that is important to your kids.
  6. And you are celebrating 30 years next week?
  7. The past 4 or 5 years, this guy gets prime time attention anytime he makes a prediction, and they always fail or are wrong. It really makes me think his whole Big Short play was more luck than skill and he is tarnishing his legacy every time he fails.
  8. Not sure I agree with your police work, Lou, as a household income (two working adults) of 20k (gross) per month is pretty average/do-able in Texas, it would seem.
  9. My $0.02 No offense, but if that description rankles you, I'm wondering what it is exactly you are expecting and what your experience is in the corporate world. That all sounds pretty straight forward for a strategic account director or client executive role, right? Also Monte Carlo is an interesting company (read: consultant speak for, not great but not garbage either) that I've been watching based on their VC raise and accolades (e.g they are a newly minted unicorn but not on the Cloud 100, etc.). Personally, I actually don't like their market and am fatigued with Big Data cum Data XYZ (warehouse, observability, processing, etc. et al.) and especially think it's not a great time (and turning into an era) to try and grow revenue in a step function manner through the engineering and IT towers of an organization so that I'd be out just on that part alone, but if you are into it, there are way worse companies to take a gamble on as they offer better than market compensation and probably a pretty good chunk of RSU/equity still. I think if you watch the Databricks IPO (which I assume will be a fast follow if Instacarts IPO is good next month) you'll get a good sense of whether or not this is a solid gamble for a 2 year investment of your time.
  10. Maybe this goes on the unpopular opinion thread but.... Hubie Halloween starring Adam Sandler and a Happy Madison production made as a Netflix original (2020) has been a Halloween staple for the past couple of years and is watched multiple times. We also watch Ernest Scared Stupid at least once.
  11. Free airline tickets is low for me. Who has time to fly somewhere bi-weekly or monthly? I have time for one, maybe two if I'm lucky personal vacation trips a year. And airline expense is what? 10-20% of the cost of a good trip? You still have the other expenses every time you want to go on vacation. I fly for "free" weekly or bi-weekly for work as it is, it sucks.
  12. No. 2 and 8 if you have a big mortgage, is a no brainer. I likely wouldn’t spend 30-35k in airline tickets.
  13. Trueeeeeee Ayyyyy, vibe check
  14. I appreciate that, though you expect service work in casual dining to be of a higher income station, you aren't so entitled to expect a tip no matter the service.
  15. A t-bone steak, cheese eggs and Welch's grape
  16. I'm listening. Can you give me a logical explanation? I can be swayed. And what this discussion has done more than anything is definitively shot down the "wah waiters only make $2.13 an hour so even if you get crappy, horrible service, you should still tip 10 or 20%" because it sounds like waiters are making so much money in this system that they won't get out of bed for $15-20/hour to do the job and so they ought to earn their tips with a minimum of average service.
  17. The tipping system exists for waiters because they make $2.13 an hour. That's why we tip them, with the idea being that when tips are factored plus the low base pay, they will average to some sort of hourly wage-- call it $12-18 an hour. If we are moving away from paying $2.13 an hour, for whatever reason be it led by the business or because waiters gripe about it, and you are paid $12-18 or $20 or whatever it is an hour, then the tipping is not necessary anymore. To argue for it the increase in base pay and to keep the tipping system in place is what we call having your cake and eating it too. I get that you have the lived experience of a service worker and so it's more personal to you, but can you see how the dynamic changing could change the behaviors of how we've always done things?
  18. Big deal outlier clauses are common. Selling hardware is for the B team and these companies know it, so companies like Dell (or Cisco or etc. etc.) treat them like cattle.
  19. Don't look now but Leody is getting hot hot hot
  20. Got it. I thought we had universal agreement that the guy was in the wrong and flouting social mores. Even the other guy from the last page said that. For me, it's the response to these people that surprises me, I guess. But I think we all agree that guy sucks and that you shouldn't go out to eat unless you can afford the listed prices and the subsequent fair tip. Now, to actually enforce those social mores to get higher compliance, you actually have to make it a law because there will always be selfish and miserly people looking to cheat systems.
  21. 1) Neither would I, but I imagine there are some folks who would think it a profitable venture. 2) I guess it goes back to that one guys point from the last page. No "voluntary" system is going to have complete and perfect compliance, and expecting it to do so is naive or irrational. It's all in the game, and it averages out. The guy who paid $100 for dining and didn't tip, that probably happens a couple of times a night at any decently popular restaurant. The guy who tips 30%+ probably does as well. If I'm a waiter, I'm baking into my calculations and income forecasts some % of stiffs on a daily basis. To think I'll bat 1000.00 with something I have no control over, and then be upset by it, seems really self-defeating. We all work somewhere and do something that is not always, 100% of the time going down the happy path. To think about griping every time I have to do some work and not have it be immediate gratifying, when the aggregate outcome in the end is a positive one +/- 10% of my expectations, or to be constantly losing the forest for the trees feels like a miserable way to walk through a job and/or existence.
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