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Everything posted by animaltobacco11

  1. Saw it was on Disney+ this weekend so plan to watch this with the little kids. My initial reaction to the little marketing I've seen (interactive billboards over the summer and brief trailer spots), it feels reductive. It feels like a personification of intangible ideas and putting them in a world we know (e.g. Fire world and their problems, Water and their unique issues, assuming an earth and a wind makes an appearance), which makes me think isn't that what Inside Out was? Do we need another Inside Out-like movie?
  2. I see this thread is where my people are.
  3. Marquise Godwin was an olympian. Mostly known for the long jump I think, which was his best event, but he was one of the fastest in the country at the 60 and 100 at some point, so....yea.... Ramonce on the other hand was more awesome. Double fisting Grey Goose at fraternity parties when I was in undergrad and letting us fanboi over him was mighty gracious of him.
  4. Chewbacca being a CU alum/fan makes his posts make more sense, now.
  5. "Most of us" looked at their schedule and thought the one win that you could likely bank on, was CSU. Because of reasons previously stated. They are a surprising (to most) 3-0, I'm not saying they are exposed, in fact the first sentence I led off with was "they aren't exposed, but..." CU made that win harder than it needed to be by riling up CSU to punch above their weight (and they completely suck), for reasons that may be smart and prudent in the long term for all I know, because they feel the need to use every available opportunity that presents themselves to create drama and conflict. Maybe you'll see some lessons learned from the coach staff and leaders on the team after this week and headed into the hard part of the schedule, but it's been nothing short of genius marketing, for sure. I said this in a previous post, Deion is a CMO in a football player's body.
  6. CVS ones are the worst, agreed. But HEB ones suck too, IMO. Krogers suck too. Any self-checkout that make you bag something before scanning a next item, for the weight, and then immediately locks up if you want to skip bagging, is the worst. Target self-check out is the best.
  7. Want to buy this!
  8. Duane "The Gronk" Johnson, isn't it?
  9. I don't think he/they got exposed. But I also think you can be honest that winning in OT against CSU, at home, after all that was said, was not the win they thought it would be. To storm the field and act like it was a big test and one of resiliency is a) coachspeak for trying to find silver lining and make chicken salad out of a chicken poop played game and b) downplaying that you didn't actually back up your talk of escalation, you just really eeked out the bare minimum, which is a net negative. Here is why I say that: When Deion made the proclamation "we were gonna have a nice game, but now they made it personal!", the implication was that you were going to go full throttle and annihilate CSU. The same CSU which: you were the 20+ point favorite already, and the same CSU which was the only W of the season for the pre-Deion, hapless and horrible CU team. CSU came out and punched you back in the mouth, and it was a dog fight. You can chalk it up to in-state rivalry, I guess, but that's not the full story. This was the only game of the first three that CU was slated to win in a crushing victory for the last 12 months (Deion or no Deion). The story here actually is that, as Bill Youst once said to ole Herm Boone, Deion's sinful pride is putting a target on their back (see: hit on Hunter) and creating a situation where they are going to get everyone's best and potentially dirtiest efforts, week in and week out. From a football perspective that feels unnecessary, but maybe in this new world of NIL and transfer portal and personal brands, it's genius. Who am I to judge?
  10. But at least Josh Smith went 1/4 with 1 RBI. That 1 RBI is 8% of his total RBI's this season by the way. Somehow he has less RBI this season (13) than last year (16) while playing in, to date, 14 more games.
  11. Interesting comment....
  12. Sanders #21 with the Pick 6 in black is giving Neon Deion Atlanta Falcons. Lil Wayne on the sideline hugging Shilo was cool
  13. I had breakfast with JWP in that little basement cafeteria at Frank Crowley a few years ago-- he's very likable and charming in person. I guess most crooks are (except Paxton).
  14. I guess I can't imagine we don't access to someone, rather cheaply, who can hit above the mendoza line and play defense with a modicum of speed. I didn't realize that having above average speed and decent defense was Big Show worthy, I guess.
  15. Josh Smith, 0/7 in this series, with a season BA of .182. Make it make sense why is he in our team.
  16. The same Bama that could barely handle USF tho Also, this Wyoming team beat TTU. A crappy TTU who might could take 2023 QB-less Bama to OT.
  17. More loopholes than Swiss cheese @Queen Bitch
  18. Yep. That's the more graphic version of what I was implying-- Deion screwed over a lot of folks, wittingly or unwittingly, and Pepperidge Farm remembers. Maybe it wasn't an active or purposeful thing, but like you said, his name and likeness was the marketing and on the building. No different than Trump University.
  19. From NYT, it looks like the updated demands: The union’s demands include: A 40 percent pay raise over four years, which would bring wages for many full-time workers to roughly $32 per hour. Reinstate cost-of-living adjustments, which have become a central plank in contract negotiations amid high inflation. A four-day workweek, a demand that’s grown in popularity since the pandemic scrambled workplace culture. The political costs loom large. A 10-day strike could send Michigan into recession, according to a recent economic analysis. If the work stoppage were to last six weeks — the 2019 strike at G.M. lasted 40 — it could push the U.S. economy “close to the edge of a recession,” Mark Zandi, an economist for Moody’s, told The Times. The strike is a big test for Biden. He often speaks of his pro-union roots, but doesn’t have a deep relationship with Fain, a relative newcomer in D.C. circles.
  20. Unions are much stronger today than they were 5-7 years ago. What are you talking about? Biden just dispatched his top people in support of UAW today. Biden's administrative is super pro-union and that has trickled down. Not commenting on if that is a good or bad thing, just saying you are wrong. Unions have turned the corner of public perception and are getting "trendy" again. Just ask Starbucks and Amazon.
  21. It's your prerogative, but if you are going to gloat, don't be mealy-mouthed about it. Say it with your chest.
  22. Stated a different way, companies chose to return value back to shareholders (of which some of the employers are, through 401ks, pensions, personal portfolios, etc.) instead of giving their employees double digit raise increases. If giving the employees double digit raise increases would have increased earnings per share, don't you think they would have done that instead?
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