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Everything posted by TXs

  1. Every regular poster in the Politics board deserves to be sterilized.
  2. TXs

    CFB Playoff Chances

    I remember when '05 USC was the greatest team to walk the earth before they even played the game. I'll wait til the dust has settled before annointing Bama.
  3. Bump. Feels good when every post was right 😎
  4. he had to take the loss in the pussy
  5. What plant is this? Doesnt quite look like star jasmine but smells fragrant like it. Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk
  6. All my Rowdy Friends Have Settled Down is the greatest country song. Prove me wrong,
  7. How big are the oaks, and are the leaves yellowed? I see Schumards with yellow leaves from time to time, but never Live Oaks. I had a medium, smaller Monterrey Oak with lighter than normal leaves that I treated with regular fish emulsion mixed with 5 gallon water bucket dumps, and its leaves greened up in no time.
  8. TXs

    Sam Ehlinger

  9. TXs


    After we did the last score, they cut to him and he had a crazed look in his eyes, like he couldn't believe what was happening. Was probably negative recruiting Texas all week, and was wondering how he was going walk it all back.
  10. TXs

    Hager with one tackle

    Doesn't have the strength to consistently make an impact. If there was one case for giving steroids a shot, he'd be it.
  11. Ban post delete user
  12. TXs

    Chris Nelson

    I love that celebration. I kept saying to myself "Get in mah belly!"
  13. Probably wouldn't sit down
  14. A very large portion knew Charlie wasn't the guy after game 1 of year 2 and wanted him out but it wasn't near this unanimous.
  15. This arrogant POS needs his face rubbed in his own shit in the worst way. The only way he can start to win back the fan base that he looks down on is if CDC shaves his fucking head and makes him walk down San Jac for his atonement.
  16. if we lose every game from here out 0-50, he is NOT coming back for a 3rd year.
  17. Go get your fucking shine box.
  18. Remember when they refused to play toneil last year because he couldn't take care of the ball but refuse to bench Sam after singlehandedly costing us 4 games with his simple jack Moxy.
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