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Everything posted by crash_davis

  1. https://www.ercot.com/gridmktinfo/dashboards No threats of collapse. The grid is performing quite well. Solar is kicking ass.
  2. It makes no got damned sense to be flushing drinking water. Amazing that with the water issues most of the world is facing, utilities and builders haven't come up with a commercially, efficiently ubiquitous way differentiate usage of potable vs non-potable water.
  3. Mofo may not even be starting then, even if not injured. That offense and their Oline is not suited for him.
  4. I'm sure it would be very easy to reshaft.
  5. I guess this shouldn't surprise anyone. Yay, our brains may be one of the most polluted of the organs. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/aug/21/microplastics-brain-pollution-health In one of the latest studies to emerge – a pre-print paper still undergoing peer review that is posted online by the National Institutes of Health – researchers found a particularly concerning accumulation of microplastics in brain samples. An examination of the livers, kidneys and brains of autopsied bodies found that all contained microplastics, but the 91 brain samples contained on average about 10 to 20 times more than the other organs. The results came as a shock, according to the study’s lead author Matthew Campen, a toxicologist and professor of pharmaceutical sciences at the University of New Mexico. The researchers found that 24 of the brain samples, which were collected in early 2024, measured on average about 0.5% plastic by weight. “It’s pretty alarming,” Campen said. “There’s much more plastic in our brains than I ever would have imagined or been comfortable with.” The study describes the brain as “one of the most plastic-polluted tissues yet sampled”.
  6. Over 55% of the idiots at aggy are magats. We all know they are fucking idiots. So what's your point?
  7. Think back to when you were in high school. Most the jocks were dumb as shit. Those same dipshits are today's magats. I'm more surprised when a once dipshit jock isn't a magat.
  8. The bullshit is affecting tons of school districts. It's like the state leaders want the dumbest fucking population possible, as long as we pay for religious schools, sorry I meant vouchers. I imagine this article applies to many school districts across the state. https://www.kxan.com/investigations/most-central-texas-school-districts-face-budget-shortfalls/
  9. A "christian" who supports a rapist, pedophile Trump reveals to the world just what type of "christian" he is.
  10. I *had* a friend who bragged that his kids went to the same pre-school as Huston's kids. He turned into a POS magat. How do these dipshits find each other?
  11. That's awesome for Crenshaw but naming it "Little Ben" is a tad bit creepy, especially this. Crenshaw was so elated to get his putter back -- and Julie was so understanding -- that 'Little Ben' slept with the couple Friday night.
  12. You're the only one who thinks it's CR. Bullshit is bullshit, regardless of party affiliation. No one is saying the recapture isn't needed. But the state has long had an excess of what is paid to schools. The excess money is not returned to the ISDs. It's put back into the general fund which the state leaders used to "balance" the budget. AISD people have a legit fucking gripe since we pay 3xs more than anyone else. Give the excess back to the ISDs. And Hotwheels is the fucking dipshit holding up $4.5B in school funding because vouchers. Fuck off with giving out elected officials a pass because of team politics bullshit.
  13. It's worse. He and the other idiots want taxpayers to pay for religious schools which can teach a 6000 yr old Earth, dinos didn't exist, women are baby factories subservient to men, and all kinds of bullshit. If you want to your dipshit kids to learn that bullshit, it's your prerogative. Just don't expect me to pay for that bullshit. Oh and take money away from public schools while they are at it.
  14. The state doesn't know where the excess recapture money goes. It goes into the general fund so it can get spent anywhere. There's a $4.5B school funding bill already passed in the lege. Hotwheels won't sign it because he wants vouchers included, you know, gut public schools.
  15. Recapture is a hot topic as AISD will be asking for more money. But wait....the extra tax money will also be subject to recapture. Watch the video. Fuck this state. Fuck Hotwheels Abbott for trying to ruin public education. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/education/schools/texas-recapture-austin-isd-school-funding/269-e064acdd-3bcf-4455-b628-ca56d2066dae
  16. Not according to this graph. Where are you seeing this? https://www.ercot.com/gridmktinfo/dashboards/supplyanddemand
  17. Dynamic pricing and subscriptions for basic shit will hopefully make people revolt and piss on CEOs.
  18. VY giving credit to Chris Simms is refreshingly nice.
  19. Sometimes the ocean is pissed and wants to be an asshole.
  20. Fans mic'ed up. Of course there's an old dude talking shit about being -3.
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