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Everything posted by crash_davis

  1. This odd drill, putting approach has helped me. Practice rolling balls on the green towards the hole. Stand just like you would if you were putting but instead roll balls towards the hole. When you do that you are going by feel and instinct rather than thinking about the stroke, form, hand position, follow through and all that other bullshit. Now do the same thing, but hitting the ball with a putter. That's my putting thought. Roll the ball towards the hole. It's helped with line and pace. My problem putting and golf swing is I sometimes get too focused on the the mechanics and forget to just hit the damn ball.
  2. AISD $41M budget deficit. Anyone see a problem? Time to bitch about Recapture and what the state does with the money. https://communityimpact.com/austin/south-central-austin/education/2024/06/20/a-potential-tax-increase-41m-deficit-and-no-staff-pay-raises-what-you-need-to-know-about-austin-isds-budget/ A potential tax increase, $41M deficit and no staff pay raises: What you need to know about Austin ISD's budget Education Austin, the labor union for Austin ISD employees, rallied at the district administrative building April 25 before a board meeting, advocating for issues including pay raises. The Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget does not include funding for higher pay. (Elle Bent/Community Impact) Austin ISD officials approved a Fiscal Year 2024-25 operating budget of $953.99 million and took on a deficit of $41.25 million June 20—with the assumption that voters will approve a tax rate increase in November. Breaking it down The district generated $1.69 in revenue from local tax dollars for the upcoming fiscal year. After the district loses $821.06 million to recapture—when the state takes local property tax dollars from a district to redistribute to other public school districts—AISD is operating at $953.99 million with a deficit of $78.2 million. However, if vacancy savings and a tax rate increase occur, the deficit is reduced to $41.25 million; without these, the $78 million deficit will be the largest in the district’s history. The new budget was drafted under the following assumptions that impact funding: An enrollment of 73,100 students and an average daily attendance of 64,100 students A property value growth of 6% A proposed tax rate of $0.9287 per $100 of property value, pending voter approval Officials made about $29 million in cuts to central office positions, overtime costs and more throughout this spring for FY 2024-25 in order to avoid a deficit as large as $89 million. Additionally, a hiring freeze for vacant central office positions began June 1. The board also adopted a food service fund at $47.42 million and a debt service fund of $241.25 million June 20.
  3. Good interview with Reggie about Willie Mays, his experience (racism) playing in Birmingham, AL, and the people who helped him through it. Fuck you if you think this belongs in CR or that it's political. It's only political if you are a racist piece of shit.
  4. I'll be spending July in Golden, CO area. Any course recommendations within 1.5 hours drive of Golden?
  5. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13547977/Texas-cyclists-mowed-airport.html What is the worse crime? Running over the dudes playing in the street or the cargo shorts?
  6. Yesterday by DFW airport airport. Video in link. https://nypost.com/2024/06/19/us-news/cyclists-knocked-off-bikes-run-over-by-brazen-driver-video/ Wild video shows cyclists being knocked off bikes, run over by brazen hit-and-run driver Two Texas cyclists were tossed from their bikes and then brazenly run over by a hit-and-run driver in a wild caught-on-camera ordeal. The terrifying incident reportedly unfolded near Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport on Tuesday, according to footage posted on social media.
  7. Well, the Indian women were acting just like the Black people...
  8. Brits and Serbs showing each other their love of soccer.
  9. Update. https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/plano-texas-racist-attack-esmeralda-upton-collin-county-hate-crime-charges/287-99a1494f-bd6f-4cf9-81a7-295ff6ceffa4 A North Texas woman has been convicted on hate crime charges in a racist attack on women of South Asian descent outside of a restaurant in 2022, officials announced Tuesday. Esmeralda Upton, 59, of Plano, pleaded guilty to four state hate crime charges: Three misdemeanor assault charges and one misdemeanor charge of terroristic threat, with all four charges falling under the Texas hate crime enhancement statute, according to the Collin County District Attorney's Office. The hate crime enhancement was added to the charges on allegations that Upton "intentionally selected the victim because of Upton's bias and prejudice against the victim's race and national origin," the district attorney's office said in a release. Upton was sentenced to two years of community supervision probation and 40 days in the Collin County Jail. She was also fined $500 for each charge. The incident involved four victims and happened Aug. 24, 2022, outside of a Sixty Vines restaurant in Plano. “As Americans, we should all be able to enjoy our Constitutional liberties, free and secure from this type of racially motivated assault," Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis said. "Indeed, America is the only nation on earth defined more by its ideals than by race or ethnicity." According to the arrest affidavit, the group of women told police that Upton approached them and began yelling at them to go back to India and that "Indians are ruining this country." This is when the group of women started recording Upton, the affidavit said. Police said the group of women told officers Upton hit them, which she admitted to and the viral video also shows. The affidavit also said Upton continued to make racially-charged comments throughout her conversation with the officer on scene. According to the affidavit, Upton told police she became agitated when the group called her a "white woman." Upton originally stated to police she was a "first generation" American, but later said she was "second generation." She told police that she is "Mexican-American" and "Native-American" and lives in a $1.5 million home. Upton admitted to police she struck one of the women because they were "videoing and saying all of this (expletive) that I wasn't doing. And that's what they do. Just like the Black people," the affidavit said. The affidavit also said one of the three videos recorded by the group of women shows Upton saying, "I'm going to blow your (expletive) brains out" and "I swear to God I am going to shoot your (expletive)." According to the affidavit, after being asked for her identification, Upton asked police if they'd like to see her license to carry a firearm as well. The officer asked Upton if she was "carrying" at the time, and she said she wasn't, but stated that her firearm was in her vehicle. Police referred to Upton in the affidavit as "very agitated and uncooperative."
  10. Saw it on Reddit this morning, thought it interesting and searched for an apropos thread. Didn't realize the date of the article until after I posted. Ehhh, it happens.
  11. Never seen this so it may be new to you. Anthony Hopkins letter to Cranston.
  12. Had the wedding in the OP gone through, I bet she'd be in this statistic. Pricier weddings led to higher chance of divorce. Could it be that the bride is a demanding bitch whom the groom will soon tire of? https://edition.cnn.com/2014/10/13/living/wedding-expenses-study/index.html#: Want a happy marriage? Have a big, cheap wedding A new study found that couples who spend less on their wedding tend to have longer-lasting marriages than those who splurge. The study, by two economics professors at Emory University, found a similar correlation between less-expensive engagement rings and lower divorce rates. Specifically, the study found that women whose wedding cost more than $20,000 divorced at a rate roughly 1.6 times higher than women whose wedding cost between $5,000 and $10,000. And couples who spent $1,000 or less on their big day had a lower than average rate of divorce.
  13. I drive through this part of the state driving to/from Austin - Pagosa Springs. It's barren as fuck. The roads suck, the speed limits sucks. But I do love me some spotting antelope in that barren waste.
  14. Different strokes for different folks. I have a ton of "friends" in Houston suburbs who commute hours to work, think a vacation is spending a week on the Frio, who spend every weekend at a baseball/volleyball/soccer/softball tourney, and never venture far from their shitty suburb except to sit in a lawn chair/bleacher somewhere. No wonder they are all pissed off all the time. That's living hell in my book.
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