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Everything posted by crash_davis

  1. Killed because the thieves wanted the truck tires. Before we start casting stones, in 2022 there was a random killing on Padre Island of a Utah couple. The murderous thieves wanted the Utah couple's RV camper to flee to Mexico. Shit happens everywhere.
  2. People driving around with guns in the car are looking to use said gun. Why else have a gun in the car? An unstable dude making a scene and yelling at hourly employees at McDonald's is exactly the type of person who I think would shoot someone over a verbal altercation. This is the America that we live in.
  3. Don't bad mouth Wang. He helped save us from Lo Pan and the 3 Storms.
  4. Looks like the are cracking down on dealers. I guess 70+ people dying/almost dying will inspire the Mayor, City Council, DAs office, and Police to finally do something. Maybe this dude will rat out his supplier and so on. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/police-find-weed-positive-for-fentanyl-in-austin-man-arrested/ Officers focused on surveillance efforts near North Lamar Boulevard and Rutland Drive, described in police documents as an “active open-air drug market.” Police noted they’d seen several drug deals happen at this site. Just before 2 p.m. Thursday, documents said an undercover officer went to Cash America Pawn at 9616 N. Lamar Blvd., where a man walked up to the officer’s window. The officer asked for crack cocaine and offered $40 for the exchange, police documents said. The suspect allegedly gave the undercover officer two pieces of crack cocaine before he was apprehended. Police documents identified the suspect as 33-year-old Kanady Arkangelo Rimijo. While police searched the suspect, officials claim they found eight bags of marijuana. Documents said both the crack cocaine handed to the undercover officer as well as the marijuana tested positive for fentanyl. “The suspected marijuana was tested for the presence of opioids, as there have been several overdose cases, arrests, and other purchases made by undercover officers in the past 72 hours that involved narcotics that do not normally contain opioids (crack cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana),” police documents said.
  5. That was hard to watch. These guys are not accustomed to that immense pressure. Last week, Martin Trainer choked in the playoff hole against Rory and Shane. He had the horrible chunked chip and then the missed putt from the same distance as this guy.
  6. I'm evacuating to Colorado for the entire month of July. Fuck Texas summers.
  7. https://www.kxan.com/weather/100-degree-days-predictions-2024/ Of course, making predictions so early in the year is not scientifically accurate. As our meteorologists will tell you, accurately forecasting out more than seven days ahead is incredibly difficult. Last year, the team predicted anywhere from 33 to 44 days of triple-digit heat, but Austin ended up with 80. This year, the team is predicting a well-above-average year when it comes to 100° days. Austin averages 29 days at or above 100° in a typical year. Here’s what the team is predicting for 2024:
  8. If I show her my dick, she might want to fuck me, or cry. It's worth the risk... It doesn't mention the airline but I'm betting Spirit. https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/man-admits-to-sexual-acts-on-flight-from-lubbock-to-dallas/ Court records said on March 29, Morris and a 25-year-old woman were sitting in the same row of the airplane, four seats apart. There were no other passengers on that row. As the airplane made the final approach into Lubbock, court records said Morris “removed his penis from his pants and started masturbating while looking at [the woman.]” The woman saw what Morris was doing and looked again to confirm what was happening. Court documents said the woman was scared and started to cry. She called for flight attendants, who separated Morris and stayed with the woman. Airport police boarded the plane and spoke with the victim who was visibly upset and shaking, court records said. When police talked to Morris, he told them his “zipper had gotten stuck” and he was trying to fix it when it exposed his private parts. Morris was arrested and police found two plastic bags of cocaine, court documents stated. On April 1, a special agent with the FBI and an agent with the Department of Homeland Security interviewed Morris, who told authorities he wanted to apologize to the victim. Court records said Morris admitted to inappropriately touching himself in front of the woman. He also told the agents the cocaine was “old” and that he had not used it in a “while.”
  9. My putting went to shit. I couldn't get out of my own head thinking of everything except just hitting the ball with the correct pace on the correct line. I'd think about my hands, was the trail hand too open or closed, try to squeeze your trail pectoral muscle on the stroke, how much weight I had on lead foot (was it 60%, 70%?), looking at which dimple on the ball, worried about take away, was it too far inside, too far outside, etc. I was a mental mess. Then one day I tried something on the practice green to help with my lag putt but ended helping a ton with my mental approach towards putting. Maybe this may help someone. I practiced taking a putting stance and instead of putting, I would roll balls towards the hole. Now that's my putting stroke thought when putting the ball. Just think of rolling with my hands a ball to the hole. This makes me instinctively just think of the actual ball roll, line, and pace instead of all that other shit. Now if I can find something similar for my wedge game which has become complete mental shit.
  10. I wonder how much the city paid for this artwork under Redbud Trail bridge. NSFW.
  11. They'll bitch when a disaster happens and they want Austin services to help/protect them.
  12. Travis CAD election results. Zimm loses again. https://www.kut.org/politics/2024-05-05/austin-travis-county-property-taxes-tcad-may-4-2024-election-results Three candidates backed by the local Democratic Party won seats to the Travis Central Appraisal District’s board of directors, who help manage property appraisals. Jett Hanna, Shenghao 'Daniel' Wang and Dick Lavine soundly defeated three others backed by the local Republican Party on Saturday, including Matt Mackowiak, chair of the party in Travis County, and Don Zimmerman, a former Austin City Council member.
  13. Does he have to pay the bills if he's in prison? https://www.newsweek.com/husband-unable-pay-medical-bills-kills-wife-her-hospital-bed-police-1897475 Husband Unable to Pay Medical Bills Kills Wife in Her Hospital Bed: Police "The defendant advised he had attempted to kill the victim two other times while the victim was hospitalized," the court documents read. "The defendant advised he last attempted to kill the victim while the victim was at a rehabilitation facility for her medical issues. He advised at that time he tried to choke her but could not follow through with it. The defendant advised the victim woke up and told him not to do that again. The defendant advised he was going to try to kill the victim another time, but he did not get the opportunity due to the fact the victim was hooked up to several monitors at the hospital. The defendant advised he was depressed and killed the victim because he could not take care of her anymore and he could not pay the medical bills that had been acquired."
  14. I wonder what bet he lost to? Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce you to Deez-Nuts Kroll. https://www.wearegreenbay.com/news/local-news/green-bay-man-named-deez-nuts-appears-in-court-pleads-not-guilty-signs-11k-signature-bond/ GREEN BAY, Wis. (WFRV) – A man in Green Bay with a one-of-kind first name was back in court, and reportedly pleaded not guilty to his two charges. According to court records, 42-year-old Deez-Nuts Kroll was back in court on May 2 for a return on warrant. He reportedly entered not-guilty pleas to all counts.
  15. He apparently hates Telsa too and IS destroying it. SpaceX is too important for the government. At least now dipshit knows better than to be a derisive dick there and fuck with that company. But the question is, when X and Tesla fails, will he resist the urge to be the smartest guy in the room at SpaceX?
  16. I know there's love for Hoover's here, myself included. Looks like the building owners are filing to re-zone to mixed use residential and commercial. Supposedly Hoover's owner agrees so hopefully his restaurant stays on the bottom floor.
  17. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/video-shows-private-security-guards-administering-narcan-in-downtown-austin/ “We administered 23 doses of Narcan between 16 people so far this week, with Monday being the busiest,” said a representative for Nxt Lvl Security, the firm hired to work downtown. “A normal week for our downtown team is 1-5 people with 1-2 doses each.” ATCEMS said it’s grateful groups like private security guards carry Narcan, and the agency said on several occasions – because someone else administered Narcan – patients are already starting to wake up by the time medics get there. However, ATCEMS also said many overdose cases require more than one dose of Narcan, so medics often also deliver subsequent rounds. “With this surge, they’re not necessarily attempting to take opioids. They’re using K2, crack cocaine, Xanax, a number of other substances,” ATCEMS Captain Christa Stedman said. “Whatever is doing this is making its way into everything, and that’s why we need people to be alert.” Private security hired last summer, in part, to deter illegal drug activity downtown The company was hired last year to patrol the following streets amid a staffing shortage at the Austin Police Department: The intersection of Sixth and Brazos Street The intersection of Sixth Street and Congress Avenue The 400-700 blocks of Sixth Street These private security patrols began last summer. The businesses who hired them said the primary goal was to deter illegal drug activity and unruly behavior downtown. “Some building managers and owners have expressed needing constant security in these areas,” APD said in a statement when KXAN first asked about the security patrols last year. “APD cannot commit these resources to certain areas 24 hours a day/seven days a week, and is aware that some business owners and managers are opting to hire private security to ensure their businesses are protected.”
  18. If he keeps Omega (and Ventress) to animation, I have no doubt Filoni will create incredible stories and action for those 2 characters. I'd said many times that SW shows which have space battles and awesome Jedi shit is best told in animation. Last 2 eps of CW is perfect example. Live action Ahsoka sucked because light saber duels, Jedi being Jedi shit is severely gimped in live action. Andor works because it's a great writing and acting series which happens to be set in the SW universe but mostly doesn't have any of the Jedi shit. I wish Filoni would've kept Ahsoka in animation.
  19. Just fucking trash. None of the people in the video look like they would spend a single dollar in any of the clubs/bars/restaurants on 6th. I've said it before. Block off the whole area, charge $20 to get in, that $20 will be credited towards drinks or food. It's a win for the club, restaurant, and bar owners. That would keep most all of the trash away.
  20. He's in San Antonio which is probably worse.
  21. It's prob the same dealer and his network selling the fucked up drugs. You see dealers dealing to the homeless. Oddly enough both times I saw it happen, the dealers were driving Dodge Chargers. Once was a dealer sitting in his car in the Freshplus parking lot in Crestview waiting for some tweaked out mofo get off a bus, walk over, buy some shit, and wander aimlessly down a sidewalk. Other time was at the Shell on 183/71 and Montopolis. Dealer pulls up in car, parks away from pumps. A few homeless people camping under the bridge walk over and buy some shit. I'm sure the cops know who all the dealers are in the city. I don't think it was hard to track down the tainted source.
  22. Every game, every throw, every decision, every sack will get picked apart. He could be head and shoulders above everyone else and fuckheads like Kirk Bohls will vote for someone else to win the Heisman.
  23. What HC would be willing to put up with his "it's all about me" bullshit?
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