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Everything posted by crash_davis

  1. We saw a glorified practice. Sark has seen 3 weeks of Qb play. I'm sure Sark is going to ruin his coaching career and our first year in the SEC because he is stupid and starts Quinn over the opinions of internet coaches.
  2. So....we need to find some safeties who know what the fuck they are doing. Also, are there any really good DB coaches in the portal?
  3. And by everyone, they mean the 250 people who showed up.
  4. Stuntin on hoes sometimes do be like that.
  5. I'm not worried about Lacey. I want his commitment to stick but we're most likely getting Russell and probably Moore anyway. Embarrassment of choices.
  6. I think a stacked QB room with Arch Manning and true freshman showing out makes him think about where else he could go w/out as much competition. Especially with as much as he's visited Auburn.
  7. Will Lacey stick with his commitment? Owens looked really good, especially for a dude who is supposed to be in high school.
  8. LOL. I was wondering who would be the guy who posted that.
  9. Simmons is a beast on passing downs.
  10. that play wins us the fucking game against dub. How fucking hard was that?
  11. Owens looks really good for a guy who should be planning to attend his HS prom.
  12. That's a great zero sum play. Damn Arch/offense looked good. Damn, the D looks fucking pathetic.
  13. That's what we get for taking away his scholarship. But our team is also playing offense so I took the W, pussy.
  14. You know what team is playing defense right?
  15. It's zero sum but I have an uneasy feeling about our D.
  16. So...if you are Lacey, what are you thinking about the QB room? Does he stick?
  17. Dude can get open. Don't mean shit if he's going to John Burt everything. I haven't felt this great about our QB room since, well, ever.
  18. Bond needs to fucking learn how to catch!
  19. Our safeties still mostly suck. Still the weakness of this team.
  20. The DBs have seen these plays for 3 weeks. They still manage to blow coverages. Fucking amazing coaching.
  21. Was going to post this in Daily but then it most likely would be deemed "political". I would get the so decided to post it here. Funny how posting about bat shit crazy is political but here we are. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/constitutional-sheriffs-las-vegas-conference-rcna147487 A sheriff, a felon and a conspiracy theorist walk into a hotel. They're there for the same conference. The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association is urging lawmen to form posses, seize voting machines and investigate baseless claims of voter fraud. LAS VEGAS — A conference for a far-right sheriffs group this week drew a parade of felons, disgraced politicians, election deniers, conspiracy theorists and, in the end, a few sheriffs. The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, or CSPOA, met in Las Vegas’ Ahern Luxury Boutique Hotel conference center to publicly counter reports of extremism within the group and set a course for the coming election — one that involves sheriffs’ investigating what they claim, despite a lack of evidence, is rampant voter fraud. The group sees sheriffs as the highest authority in the U.S., more powerful than the federal government, and it wants these county officers to form posses to patrol polling places, seize voting machines and investigate the Democrats and foreign nations behind what they claim is a criminal effort to rig the vote by flooding the country with immigrants who vote illegally. Critics of the group — including voting rights advocates and extremism researchers — fear the CSPOA’s new focus will amount to interference and legitimize disinformation about U.S. elections. But the event Wednesday, which starred MAGA celebrities speaking to a half-empty audience made up of few actual sheriffs, pointed to just how fringe the group’s ideas are — and how what once seemed like a movement on its way into the mainstream has lost political pull.
  22. What's funnier? That Jordan is again in the shit or this woman gets pissed her bf/husband tries to move our from Jordan's line? She: "He won't hit me if I stand right in front of the tree because he will not hit the tree!" He: "Bitch, how do you think he got over here in the first place?"
  23. https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/homeless-man-arrested-for-attempted-kidnapping-of-8-year-old-girl-in-se-austin A homeless man was arrested Sunday after attempting to kidnap an 8-year-old girl at a park in southeast Austin, police said. Jeffery Alan Harpster, 36, approached a family having a picnic at Pleasant Valley Road near Lady Bird Lake and tried to grab the girl, according to an arrest affidavit. The girl's father intervened and Harpster claimed the girl was his niece and he had a responsibility to take her. Police said Harpster had approached the family earlier asking for food and left, but returned and focused on the young girl. He allegedly jumped over their picnic food trying to take control of her. The father told police Harpster became physically violent, swinging his arms, when confronted. Harpster tried to approach another female before being stopped by bystanders. A search of Harpster's backpack found 0.9 grams of methamphetamine, the affidavit said. This was the second call about Harpster that day, after a report he followed two females to their vehicle and tried to get inside with them. Harpster was arrested and charged with attempted kidnapping and possession of a controlled substance, both state jail felonies.
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