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  1. We won 88 games last year and I saw where Christian Walker saves like 62 runs per year defensively so that should realistically put us at 115-118 wins.
  2. I didn't realize he had become such a defensive liability. Just kind of snuck up on us I guess
  3. This would be awesome. Anything other than the brick red would be awesome.
  4. I agree he is too small and that eliminates him from contention. But I feel that people always want to put guys at first base because they think it's an easy position. Its not.
  5. Not playing 1st base has nothing to do with his size. Its a difficult position to play and requires high level of skill. Altuve could be 6'3" that doesn't mean he can play 1B.
  6. I think its critical Yordan stays healthy this season. If he's out of the lineup we get real weak real quick.
  7. Bregman has been a significantly better third baseman than Devers, according to Fangraphs' advanced fielding statistics. In the "defensive runs saved" metric, a measure of how many opponent's runs above (or below) average a fielder prevented, Bregman over nine years has saved 27 runs. But in his eight-year career, Devers has a negative number in that category of -62. using baseball's statistical "rule of thumb," holding that every 10 runs equals one win, the 89-run difference means that Bregman's teams have won nearly nine more games than Devers' teams over their careers, simply due to the difference in the two players' third base fielding performance.
  8. Is Bregman moving positions? Rafael plays 3rd for the Red Sox. I wonder what their plan is
  9. Can we do a bundle & save with eggs and Scentsy?
  10. If you had to bet, who do you think will have a more productive season in 2025? Paredes or Bregman?
  11. @Brisketexanyour post was truly inspiring. Makes me want to be better. Thank you for sharing!
  12. Wouldn't the Astros recinded their offer by now? They no longer need to pay for a 3B, Paredes locked down for 3 years.
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