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Everything posted by texashorne

  1. These are supposed to be aged for 2 days before consumption.
  2. I see the Russian have a long history of making some stupid ass looking planes.
  3. Revenge of the Nerds.. When he dresses up like that chic's BF and bones her on the moonwalk.
  4. Captain, how soon can we land? I can't tell You can tell me, I'm a doctor No , I mean I'm just not sure Can't you take a guess Well, not for another 2 hours You take take a guess for another 2 hours?
  5. If we get their plates Surly can figure out who they are an where they live.
  6. Coach pitch where I live.. its our last season and I am coaching Premier, which is elevated rec.. these little 8 year old dudes can hit pretty hard...any recs on body armor?
  7. A buddy of mine pointed out that he could afford to buy every single NFL franchise, then pass them out to his buddies and have the ultimate fantasy football league.
  8. Any trucker that gets off the road right now for any reason baffles me. Rates are through the roof. If they do congregate at DC or LA, nothing will break that up quicker than a lucrative load alert.
  9. I wish the whole series would get a reboot.. Like Batman. Make it darker just like Nolan did.
  10. Do you can order a truck from Ford, then what? Have it delivered directly to you? Sorry I'm new at this..
  11. If you order a truck from the website, will the dealer mark it up at all?
  12. Years ago my wife backed out of the driveway and into my F150. It was dark outside, so it was my fault.. I had foolishly purchased a truck that was navy 2 years earlier and parked it in the same spot I always park it in. Apparently when you have a navy truck, it blends into the night like the Predator blends into the jungle.
  13. I have really enjoyed the NFL this season, and especially postseason. I'm a Texans fan and they suck so bad I've turned my attention elsewhere, plus it helps when you win your fantasy league. I also took a client to a Chiefs game which was great.. I think one of my keys to enjoying it more is abstaining from the peripheral social media BS surrounding it and just enjoying the product on the field.
  14. I'm not gonna lie most of the appeal of this show for me is watching it, really liking it, then coming to this thread and reading all the reasons y'all think it sucks.
  15. I'll be fishing a few hundred miles south of you that day in Belize Cool.. Do you have any recs on finding a good charter? I found this one.. https://puertomorelos.fishing/product/big-boss/ I think I may have 6-8 people
  16. I'll be in Cancun February 2nd. Is it worth setting up a fishing trip with a guide this time of year? Recs?
  17. I am looking for a good fishing charter in Cancun... We are staying at Puerto Morelos in early February.. Is the fishing even good then?
  18. Now I want to fight somebody because "wilding" is now a word.
  19. I wanted 3 kids names Austin, Houston, and Dallas. I got 33% of my wish.
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