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Everything posted by texashorne

  1. I think we beat Rice, but excitement is subdued from the field goal post not being centered with the south endzone tunnel.
  2. Not liking a player because of their talent level is pretty bush league IMO. Not liking them because they're an asshole is entirely different. I didn't ever hate Ausmus and Everett, just the free inning the opposing pitcher got when he faced them in the 7-8-9 part of the lineup. I also didnt hat Carlos Lee.. I hated that era of Astros baseball for sure though.
  3. You guys discussing most hated players are leaving off Tyler White. Maybe your brains forced his memory out of your conscious as some sort of self defense mechanism.
  4. My 9 year old son is obsessed with the Astros. He watches the games, plays with them on MLB the Show, youtube highlights every morning, ect... When he acts up, wife punsihes him by taking away all Astros media for a week. I'm working with her to try to find a consequences that don't punish me as well.
  5. We dont win the game yesterday without Diaz.. so he's benched today.
  6. This. And Altuve has to be a lifetime Astro as well. Hopefully both are reasonable contracts.
  7. Has to be the worst francise to he a fan of. What's worse? Pirates? Rockies?
  8. Nice Dubon!
  9. Wrong. If it led to winning football games aggy would adopt cocaine bear
  10. I find it comical that Dusty constantly shits on Yanier but when he does play him, he bats fucking 5th.
  11. Me too buddy.. me too.
  12. This why I want to throat punch anyone who bitches about TK and Blum. The alternative is always a big sack of fail.
  13. Altuve was out, and Dubon stepped in nicely. There's more to be upset about in that chart than this.
  14. He would habe passed Sparkey tonight had he been playing Diaz
  15. I for one celebrate the Astros treatment of the media. I actually think its not harsh enough. They all are on the money train making them out to be the villians, and they all get to eat shit sandwich after shit sandwich... the latest coming when Tucker squeezed that foul bowl of Castellanos's bat last November. Seriously its the same media keeping Sosa, Bonds, Clemens out of the HOF when they capitalized on the enhancements themselves. Then they capitalized again when it was time to tear them all down. Then they sweep the Yankees and Red Sox Apple watch scam under the rug and crucify the Astros whn we have the trash can thing. Its the same media thats going to keep Altuve from being a 1st ballot HOF because of his alleged "role." Fuck them. Fuck them all.
  16. This. Atlanta is the correct answer. As far as the spin the FO gives the media and fans, its frustrating but does not mean its a bad FO. We can have a well run organization, which we do, and be shitty in media relations. And it all stems from Crane, who I think is an awesome owner. Even Dusty's inability to provide an accurate explanation on Diaz and Chas ABs starts with the culture Crane created.
  17. I definitely want Tucker back.. However, its seems very un-Astros to do so in light of recent stars that have left.. Hopefully Crane wins that lawsuit and hopefully we can work a new TV deal..
  18. I missed this..should Alvarez ball been caught by the CF?
  19. Well this is the Texas hater thread so I couldnt think of a better way to pile on than to share a story about snakes falling from the sky and subsequently being attacked by a bird of prey.
  20. Time to bring in Singleton
  21. We already have the best and worst Honduran in MLB history. He's filling both those quite nicely this season.
  22. I forgot to mention I set a new personal record on the hockey immaculate grid yesterday..
  23. There's been talk that Bader is a douch and Gardner 2.0 and all that.. then people are like "no, thats just his mouth piece." Why the hell is he wearing a mouth piece?
  24. Julks had a really tough game a week or so ago.. He was in a small slump already, and hit like 4 balls on the screws that were caught by the OF.. I'm sure that's contributing to the mental aspect of his slump.. That being said, he can work out of it in AAA by playing EVERYDAY.. Singleton deserves a shot..
  25. Chas has also been more productive in the month of October.
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