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Everything posted by ohchaucer

  1. So this past week, I've watched: The Dead Don’t Die - not scary or even particularly interesting and slow Bodies Bodies Bodies - a couple of good jumps but nothing terribly scary; funny ending Evil Dead - I liked the Exorcist vibe and it some pretty good creepy jumps and blood Zombieland and Zombieland 2 - fun as hell, not scary but had a few adrenaline moments Tucker and Dale vs. Evil - legitimately funny and enjoyable The Birds (original) - I guess this was scary in 1963; hard to get past archaic SFX and sound design Thinking for my next few: X, Evil Dead (original), The Thing, Carrie, Cabin in the Woods, Happy Death Day; might also go watch a couple of older slashers in the spirit of the Halloween season.
  2. Me winning isn’t. You do.
  3. She’s rather attractive for a… beautiful girl with a great body.
  4. Good list. I actually saw Shaun of the Dead and loved it. I think I also watched part of Ready or Not on a plane or something. Might revisit. Maybe I am gravitating more toward the comedy horror genre. I don’t love gore or torture stuff. But it doesn’t “scare” me necessarily. I watched all the Terrifier 2 kills on a YouTube video and that was as much blood as one could cram into those scenes and wasn’t too phased by it (bedroom scene was intense). Jump scares I think are what mostly get me and things like Paranormal Activity just seem to be all suspense between jump scares. I feel I also need to watch Chainsaw Massacre just because Texas.
  5. Okay, little sidetrack. I’ve never been a horror guy. But love to read plot synopses and summaries. But I feel like I’m missing out by being a scared-y cat. So I've decided I'm going in and would love some suggestions on training wheels on up. Where should I start? What movies are so good that you fell in love with it? I have seen the following: - some of the cheesier old slashers FT13th, Chucky, Candyman (thought that last one was scary) - Shining - original Exorcist - Blair Witch Project (also scary) I've also cherry picked a few scenes from Midsommar, Terrifier 2 and a few others. Where do I go next?
  6. SIAP, but this is just brilliant and gives me hope for, well, humanity: https://www.apologize.lol
  7. Yeah, I also like her little… um…. Head bobbles.
  8. Did he have to go now? Had he been there four hour?
  9. ohchaucer

    Weird Al

  10. And to add about specific memories, I took some sort of short story writing class with a seminar or lab component and we met at least half the time out on the six pack and I hardly remember anything I wrote or did, aside from one essay-like, wannabe New Yorker “shout and murmur” thing lamenting the demise of shoe shine stands in small towns. And while I’m sure it was trite and highly affected, the one absolute smoke show in the class (and kinda all-campus level hottie) raved about how much she loved it. I swooned. Probably should have kept at the writing thing based on that alone…. Also, her name was Wende and she was 5 inches taller than me, infinitely prettier and more worldly and mesmerizing at the time. She now sells real estate in Austin. Looks great still, but she ain’t reading or thinking about Chaucer or even Shouts & Murmurs these days, if I had to guess.
  11. I remember way too little of any of my classes. And by that I don’t mean that I didn’t absorb - and still retain - so much knowledge and material. Rather, I mean I don’t remember what years I took what or in what order or what I skipped in freshman year, etc. I’m pretty sure I took 316 British Lit but it’s the only lower level class I remember. Not to say there weren’t others. But, goddamn, I loved it all. Reading and writing and diverging, even briefly, into poetry and short fiction and cultural impacts and sociology. I wish I could go back now and imbibe it even more. Instead, I spent way too much time in those days “imbibing” in the more contemporary sense. Ironically, I fled Austin and academics as fast as I could to land in New York trying to break into (book) publishing and hated it so much I quickly drifted online to find all you assholes (or at least a few of you from that long ago) and now here we are 25 years later talking about our majors. And in a thread about “Former President Donald Trump,” no less. Who could have imagined back then? Oh, that this world and nation might read more and understand the power of the heart and mind through literature….
  12. I’d say dive into all three of those dudes’ catalogs and don’t look back. McCarthy is singular - won’t even comment on the impact he had on me (moreso in later life than as a student). McMurtry, to me, is the reading equivalent of a comfortable, beloved pair of slippers. I’ve read most of his books several times and a few of them maybe a dozen (Some Can Whistle, Cadillac Jack, Anything for Billy, All My Friends are Going to Be Strangers). His non-fiction, particularly his Hollywood stuff, is also great. Also, throw in Goodbye to a River by Graves. I loved professor Adams, as well. I miss the program a lot and part of me wishes I’d continued my studies into grad school (BA English ‘98). And, yes, I did some extensive study on Chaucer and early/middle European Lit. I fell in love with The Canterbury Tales in high school and never shook it.
  13. Given your username, ye shouldst feel bad.
  14. He’s kinda doing 4 on the floor through the first chorus, but it’s also deceptive because he’s got long ass legs and is sitting way low… and so he’s tapping his knee evenly in place even though his foot isn’t playing the pedal. Often in live settings a drummer will actually ghost 4/4 quarter notes anyway even if the accent/beats are in other places. You also just happen to see his knee more because he doesn’t have a second rack tom and his bass drum isn’t huge. You see lots of players do that on their hi hat foot…. Bounce their knee/heel in time but they aren’t actually lifting the pedal. As for his hi hat with right foot I don’t know or see that happening. When I play with a big setup and have a second hat pedal to my right it’s usually just to drop it down or up. He’s definitely not doing that kind of thing. Also, aside, I do love a Ludwig sparkle kit. Fits the vibe here perfectly. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
  15. Sorry if this was discussed earlier but what the hell is going on with ULM’s helmets? Might as well have gone with a “Contemplative Tornado-Burping Skeletor" theme or a “Gargamel-Headed Flamingonado With Crab Claws and Iowa State Pennant" that Iowa State considered a few years back. Also, fuck yeah, Arch! Right back in the saddle.
  16. RIP Mr. Hicks. What I wouldn't give to hear him deliver just a 15 minute set about all the shit going on down here right now. Most of which he called years ago along with the fact that we are all just vibrating imaginations of ourselves. It's just a ride. "Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather.”
  17. Definitely a Ludwig. And the old Slingerland is in that white pearl is very cool, too.
  18. Flew out at 7 am and just landed back at LGA where I started from. And now an hour car ride back to CT left to go. Many Sky Club drinks in between. Nothing to watch but this thread with you sumbitches. Kamala bout to wreck some shit. Let’s hear it. Let’s goooooo!
  19. Four fewer now.
  20. What? Women shave. Not every day.
  21. And they forgot to paint the hummingbird on that hummingbird’s pick guard!
  22. DNC… furiously searching for a dark burst, banded telecaster.
  23. Holy lord, I’m feeling light-headed. That couldn’t have been more perfectly phrased. Gotdamn. Between that and what I’m hearing of Shapiro, this is one hell of a (second) coming out party.
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